Monday, April 6, 2009

Glimpses of Azeroth

Ok, so today is going to be a downer no matter what. But I decided to be productive and put up a slideshow of images over at the top of the sidebar. Each one features one of my characters, the character of a close friend, or sometimes both.

Seems like a good time to introduce some of them.

Rhune Astherion: He's the mage with the black hair and goatee. He's my main character and his continuing story has played out for 3+ years now. He can be arrogant and close minded, but he is often naive and innocent as well. He may take what is perceived as the wrong course but it's always because he thinks it's the right one.

Rublestrasza "Ruby": Rhune's red whelpling companion. She is both the whelpling pet AND the red headed gnome seen in the images. Lately she has begun to mature and I've been exploring some of her draconic powers including shape shifting. For you elitists out there, wait till the blog post where I talk about her before you judge her for being a "dragon" character.

Sylerrinn Astherion-Dawnshadow: The night elf priestess. Rhune's soon to be ex-wife. See a Shattered Friendship for why. It was a lot of fun while it lasted. I'll miss you hun, never think that I don't.

Nimit: The Night Elf male. He is childlike and innocent. And he'll cut your throat and think nothing of it as part of his "game". Sweet and very, VERY creepy at the same time.

Riely Darkfizzle: The gnome on the broomstick. A gnomish child with the gift of Fel Magic and a cursed vodooo doll. Played by a good friend and an excellent RP'er.

Out of this batch my favorite pic has to be the "defense of Wyrmrest" screenshot. It's Rhune and Ruby surrunded by their people (Stormwind for Rhune, red dragons for Ruby) defending the most sacred site of Ruby's kinsman. It's just so heroic. Not photoshopped, it's a straight pic from the game taken at just the right moment.

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