Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 4

RubyBioSmall The voice diary of Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional).

"I'd better hurry... it'ss moving on to evening and they're bound to rent the neighboring room out again tonight. And I don't want their mating callss recorded on my diary for eternity." Ruby said with a sigh. "I've decided I'm finding somewhere else to stay. ANYWHERE else. Goldsshire issn't to my taste anymore."

Sounds of shuffling and items being packed away could be heard. Then she continued: "I'm afraid I had a bit of a 'Rhune moment'. I'm not ussually argumenative but sshe was a death knight. Now they tend to make me nervouss in general... they're sso much the opposite of what my Flight stands for. But I can usually ignore them. After all it's not their fault they are like that. But she was starring at me from under that creepy helm of hers, her cold eyes an icy blue and it gave me the shudderss."

"So I confronted her. I sstarted out polite enough... found out her name wass Kygeria... but then it came out she was one of THOSE. You know... the kind that revelss in raising ghoulss... enslaving fallen soulss to her will... and well that's when the 'Rhune moment' started. I couldn't help it. Those poor people she enslavess... it just made me ssick to my stomach."

"So we argued about it. She claimed they were jusst inanimate objects her magic made puppetss out of. I argued that necromancy by it's very nature would use the souls of the fallen to give ssuch constructs a ssemblance of intelligence... or at least a low cunning. After all she was undead herself and SHE claimed to still be the person she once was. Proof enough my theory had ground to stand on."

"For one brief moment... I think I got to her. I really do. But then sshe pushed it all aside and remained ssteadfast. I think she just doesn't WANT to believe me... sso she doesn't. That makess me pity her. But more I pity those poor soulss she uses against their will."

A small grunt could be heard as Ruby tried to stuff one last thing into her pack. Then slightly out of breath she resumed: "I'm having the hardesst time stuffing the blanketss from this room into my pack. I don't know where I'll end up so I"m taking them with me. It's technically stealing but after three nightss of listening to mating calls I think they overcharged."

"Anyway, I'm all packed up, more when I get on the road."

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