Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 6

RubyBioSmallThe voice diary of Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional).

The hour was late and Brantiela Lefault's house in Ironforge was quiet and dark. Downstairs the magus herself slept beside a small gnomeish woman with snow white hair cuddled up to her. A faint glimmer of light could be seen coming from upstairs along with an excited but hushed whisper.

Then the sound of a woman giggling could be heard.

Upstairs there was but a single lit lantern giving light to the room. Sitting on the guest bed was a second young gnomish woman, this one with red hair made up in two buns on either side of her head and dressed in a fine black and green tunic and well tailored black leggings. Strangely for one so young she had a monocle covering one eye.

It was this gnome who was giggling and whispering into a small red gem... a star ruby.

"I had the mosst wonderful day diary!" Ruby said excitedly. "Well first I had a lovely day, then it got dark and ssad, but then it finally ended very wonderful indeed!"

"You will have to bear with me... a lot happened to me today." She said with a giggle.

"You will remember that lasst time I was heading to a party of the Retribution, well it ended up being a St. Patorick'ss Day celebration. Everyone was dressed in green... except for me and another gnome I heard was named Fizzgig, except he was sstrange anyway...  but no one had told me to dresss in any way special."

"I sso very badly wanted to fit in... I had been to a lot of Retribution eventss before but never as an actual member. I very much wanted to make a good impressssion. It was during a game they called the "Leprechaun Hunt" that I ssuddenly found I WASS dressed in green! I wanted it sso much that I was able to sshapeshift my sshirt without even knowing!"

"Finally progress in my quest to gain control of my draconic abilities! But the night did not end there..."

"Aantelah told the story of St. Patorick who once saved Elwynn Forest from a great evil. That's why we wear green to honor his name. It's a very beautiful story and sshe told it well. After that Elnora and Rylas won the "Wearer of the Green" contest and became the King and Queen of the Green."

"Then I assked Rylas to dance... and he did!" Ruby said then broke off in a giggle. Blushing a light pink at the rememberance she continued: "He wass very graciouss during our dance and very handssome I thought. And afterward he called me a WONDERFUL dancer."

"That'ss right me. I'M a wonderful dancer! And I hadn't even danced before!" Ruby said with pride in her voice.

The sound of a small gnome's footsteps could be heard on the old creaky bed. A slightly out of breath Ruby continued: "I can still remember the steps too... it'ss jusst as eassy now as it wass earlier tonight. I can sstill hear the mussic too... I don't think I'll ever forget it."

The small gnome continued to dance on the bed to music only she could hear. Twirling around during one high point in the imaginary music she tripped and fell onto the bed then broke out into laughter.

"Luckily I did not fall on my tail during the real thing. Anyway... I think Rylass wass drunk because after our dance he went and danced on top of a table and sslowly took off all his clothes except his loincloth. It was really weird. And somehow the room got really warm. At leasst I think it musst have been becausse ssomeone said my face wass really red. We really should have Sshia leave the front door open during thesse events."

"I think he'd be a very sstrong sire though... after seeeing what... well nevermind... sso I tried to convince he and Bran to mate. They both need hatchlingss and it would kill two problemss with one sstone. Bran is sstill being sstubborn though. So I musst continue to be patient with her."

"Iss it warm in here? I'd better go open the balcony door."

The sound of someone hopping down from a bed could be heard and then the unlatching of a door and the quiet sounds of Ironforge at night could be heard. Then the sounds of someone climbing back up on the bed until...

"Ok back. That sshould cool the room off ssome. Really sshould talk to Bran about the heating ssituation here."

"After that the party sstarted to break up but not before Aantelah called me a little gem! She'ss very ssweet. I thanked her for holding such a wonderful event. I was alsso able to talk with my new friendss Nelkaah and Sharikea again. Unfortunately we were interrupted and that'ss where the dark and ssad part comess in..."

Ruby sighed. "I don't think I'm ever going to be worthy of my mother."

"While we were talking we realized we were being watched by what at first appeared to be a sshy magus. She said her name was Demosthenes. But sshe wasn't a mage at all! She was in fact a Blue Dragon under the sservice of Malygoss. When I found that out Nelkaah had to hold me back... all I wanted to do was tear her throat out! I tried... I really did... but Nelkaah is really sstrong."

"I know my reaction wass a little extreme... and I'm not ssure mother would approve. But we... the Astherion'ss and I... we've lost a home... and for a time we lost Rin to the Blue Dragonflight. I've lost many brotherss and ssisterss to them as well. They also lay siege to our most sacred temple! And Demos... sshe ssaid that this whole war was motherss fault! How DARE sshe?!"

"I don't want to talk about any of THAT however. It jusst enragess me. More in a minute... I jusst need to calm down. Damn Malygoss anyway." Ruby sighed and then the gem was clicked off.


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