Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 5

RubyBioSmallThe voice diary of Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional):

"I'm back diary... jusst need to check out of my room. Hold on a moment." Ruby said, then a small ringing sound could be heard, possibly from a bell.

"Hello?" said a voice.

"Yess, I 'd like to check out of my..." Ruby responded.
"Is someone there?" the voice asked.

Ruby sighed. "I'm down here." Then the sound of someone jumping. "I'm below the counter! Down here!"

"Oh there you are... my your a little one..."

"No, you're just freakishly tall." Ruby said with a trace of annoyance. 

"My, my... no reason to be snappish." the voice replied.

The sound of Ruby grumbling could be heard. "Jusst letting you know I don't need the room another night."

The sound of stomping could be heard... or at least that was what Ruby was going for as she exited the inn. It sounded a lot less like stomping and a lot more like... well stepping actually. Then the sound of a breeze could be heard and the singing of birds.

"FINALLY out of there." Ruby mumbled to herself. "Oh! This blased thing is sstill on!"

"Hope you enjoyed that eternity." Ruby said then giggled despite herself. "Jusst a glimpsse of life I guess."

"I DID meet ssome nice people yesterday though. Two druidss named Nelkaah and Sharikea. I welcomed them to the city and then taught them the proper way to fissh out of the canals. Don't ask it's a long story. But they had some quaint idea of using a pole and some kind of wire. That's just ssilly. Where's the fun in THAT? I taught them how to jump in and grab the fish themselves!"

"They were very thankful." Ruby said with satisfaction.

"Then we showed Nelkaah the Tram and Ironforge. Sshe'd never been before. We sshowed her the different disstricts of the city and then we left the city gatess and went outsside as sshe was missing nature a bit. It was COLD!"

"Luckily Nel wass in her bear form and Shari wass in her cat form to keep warm sso I cuddled up with them. It wasn't very cold after that! They were sso adorable.... don't tell them I ssaid that if you ever meet them. I wouldn't want them to think I didn't take them seriously. But they were jusst so cute."

"They taught me how to say Darnassssusssss.... uh... wait I'll get it... Darnassssss...." Ruby said with raising frustration and then: "Dar-nah-sus!"

"That word iss very difficult for me. Don't make fun. Common issn't eassy to pick up. At ALL."

"Did I mention the part where we saw a baby murloc and it danced and sang a song? That wass really cute too. Then Shari held me down and tickled me... and that wassn't so cute. But she's a prankster. If you ever meet her be very careful. Though sshe really does mean well I think."

"Oh and sshe doesn't trust rogues either. For a moment sshe thought -I- was one if you can believe that! But I explained I was a huntresssss.... uh... ssorry about that... another hard word. Bah!"

"I'm off for now, I'm on my way to some party in Sstormwind. I heard about it over the guildstone. Oh? Did I mention I had joined the Retribution? I did. I think as we're all fighting up north the Red Dragonflight sshould be repressented here to and no one hass heard from Kaorou in ssome time. I hope sshe's alright."

Then Ruby added: "One final thought about my 'gnome problem'. I've decided to talk to Bran's Albino Drake face to face to ssee if we can get matters ressolved. I need to figure out if sshe's even worthy of joining the Wrymresst Accord. And I REALLY would like to be myself again."

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