Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 2


 The voice diary of Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional).

“Quiet down over there!” Ruby shouted with annoyance. “Ssome of uss are trying to hear ourselvess think!”

The young dragon had rented a small room at the Lion’s Pride Inn. Brantiela had warned her of some creature called a “harlot” who was paid to mate with others. Ruby still wasn’t sure she understood how that worked exactly but evidently there was mating going on in the next room for she could hear their mating calls.

“Light! Yes… yes! Oh light!” a feminine voice screeched from the next room. Evidently harlots were very religious creatures while mating. It really seemed strange to Ruby to ask for the Light’s blessing on the union DURING the mating however.

Come to think of it Sylerrinn seemed really interested in Elune at such times as well. To Ruby’s mind she really should have been thinking of Rhune instead. But far be it from Ruby to interfere with elven mating rituals.

Lifting a small star ruby near her mouth she spoke into it: “Humanoidss are sstill puzzling creatures. I have sspent my entire life with them, and know them better than my own people, and I sstill can’t figure them out.”

“For instance I have been trying to ensure the bloodliness of people I care about continue sso that when they are gone I will have something left of them. I know I am still very young but it weighss on my mind that they will all be gone one day.”

“I sstarted with Bran and then Sil… I even tried with Shakta. I talked to each one of them about the importance of hatchlingss and how it was their duty to continue their bloodliness. When they sseemed a little confused on the matter… and let me just ssay none of these otherwise fine woman know a thing about attracting a mate… I explained to them in detail how it was ssupposed to work.”

“I told them about how they should sun themselves on a rock and let out the trilling sound that will alert nearby sires that they were ready.”

“I told them how the sires would fight over them, and the victor would win the right to mate with them, ensuring the hatchlingss to follow were the sstrongest and brightest.”

Ruby continued. “This only sseemed to confuse them further. And for ssome reason they seemed very embarrassed… except for Shakta who seemed amused. Amused! And after I tried to help her. Humanoidss get embarrassed about the sstrangest things.”

Suddenly the young dragon’s thoughts were interrupted by a voice from the next room: “LIGHT! YESSSSSSSSSSSS!”

Ruby sighed: “Ok… not ALL humanoidss are embarrassed about such things. How sshe knows the mating was ssuccessful so soon I have no idea though. But at least she knows how to give her deity thankss.”

“Anyway… Rylas explained that mortal mating rituals were different than those of dragonss and that I really shouldn’t interfere unless I was assked. He may have a point, it took Rhune and his mate FOREVER to have hatchlingss but they did eventually. I just need to be patient.”

“Patience is hard for me knowing those I care for may not ssurvive the current war however. Mother however sseems to prefer to allow the mortals to find their own path. I shall do my best to emulate her.”

“In other news I need to find a ssolution to my "gnome" problem ssoon. I think my human is probably worried about me by now.”

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