Friday, April 24, 2009

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 8

RubyBioSmallThe voice diary of Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional).

Rublestrasza Astherion, daughter of the Lifebinder and Korialstrasz, protector of the Astherion family, and companion to a magus of the Kirin Tor was currently in the process of ranshacking the kitchen of Brantiela Lefault.

She was ravenous.

Laying on the table amid the debris of that morning's breakfast lay a star ruby that was glowing a dim red and was in the midst of recording her words:

"Brantiela really needss to resstock her larder!" Ruby said with frustration. "Thiss issn't even enough to lasst me until lunch!"

She continued in a slightly calmer voice: "Nevermind me... I've jusst been sso hungry the lasst two dayss. It'ss making me irritable. I really don't undersstand it... I've never felt thiss way before."

The sound of a cupboard door opening and of a little gnome ruffling through said cupboard could be heard for several minutes and then: "It'ss a good thing Bran iss a mage and can conjure food or I'm afraid I would be eating her out of hearth and home."

"It seemss to be worsse in whelping form. It'ss actually gotten so bad I'm nervouss to shift. I'm afraid I might eat ssomething I shouldn't... like ssomeone's cat... or maybe a... uh... ram." Ruby said with some embarrassment.

"Anyway... I met with Rhyss again a few nightss ago and her girlfriend Ssasssssy... ugh... I can never ssay her name! I'm beggining to think I wass right all along... I sshould have just continued to pretend I couldn't speak common."

"We had a very long and interessting talk and Ssa.... uh... Rhyss' partner seemed very ssweet for a death knight. That they have both found love even after death iss a comfort of a ssort. I am glad that Rhyss' hass her for it musst be a difficult condition... uh... death that iss."

"Yeah I don't know what to think of that condition either. It'ss confussing to ssay the leasst."

"We talked about many thingss but the most important wass they told me I need to be prepared to let Lamorra and Lakorra walk on their own one day. That wass a... difficult concept for me to grassp. Human hatchlings are so fragile. But they ssaid they will never develop the skillss to protect themsselves if I don't."

Ruby sighed. "At one point during the converssation I became sso panicked at the idea that I almosst ran home to check on them that very minute and would have if they hadn't sstopped me. I jusst get sso worried about them. I worry about ALL of the Astherionss... but the Astherion hatchlings mosst of all."

"If anyone hurtss either Lamorra or Lakorra I will kill them. No matter how long it takess." Ruby said a strange deadly seriousness in her voice.

"Yeah... I may have to work on that letting go concept a little more." Ruby added.

"In other newss I sstill need to journey to Wyrmrest with Kali and Bran... I sstill need to rejoin Rhune... and maybe it'ss jusst my imagination but I'd swear that ever ssince I regained whelping form I'm larger than I ussed to be."

"Ah ha!" Ruby exclaimed. "I think I've found Bran's resserve stassh. Sso that's all for now."

The sounds of a gnome crunching and munching on something could be heard and then a... click.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 7

RubyBioSmallThe voice diary of Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional).

Ruby began humming a tune... the music from the St. Patorick's party. "There... that'ss better."

Ruby giggled and then resumed: "I forgot to ssay it earlier but Rylass really wass a wondeful dancer himself."

"Sso after that I left the party and went to meet with Bran's albino drake...  her name is Kali. She took the form of a gnome too... and she had the most striking snow white hair. We had a very long talk... sshe told me of her people'ss hisstory."

"It's a very ssad tale. Apparently in many hatchings a single whelping will be hatched that iss pure white... of no color or purpose. These whelpingss are killed by the Dragonflightss for reasonss Kali still doesn't know. Sometimess thesse whelpings will manage to escape through either chance or through mismanagment by the Flightss. Over time these albino dragonss formed their own "flight". They live in hidden caves together and even built their own dragonshrine in imitation of the true dragonflights. But always the albinos are hunted by uss and their hidden sshrine was destroyed by my father Korialstrasz."

"There must be a good reason for that... I really don't understand why mother and father allow it. We're supposed to be protecting life."

"Sso it continued until recently when the Blue Dragonflight took control of their hidden cavess leaving the albinos with no home, no shelter, and no alliess."

"Which bringss them to me."

"They want an audience with mother. And they want me to make it happen. In exchange Kali will teach me how to sshapeshift at will. They jusst want a chance to make their casse for an alliance againsst the Blue Dragonflight and for land of their own afterward. A land where they can be left in peace."

"I believe they are ssincere. And sso I agreed on the condition they teach me firsst sso I don't have to reveal I can't control my own powerss. Which wass the whole point after all."

"Kali agreed... which ssurprissed me as sshe doessn't sseem the trussting ssort. Possibly my own ssincerity made an impression on her. I hope sso."

"The next part iss the wonderful thing I mentioned earlier. Sshe reached out and touched my head... and I could feel her mind connect with mine. I... FELT her. All her thoughtss and emotionss. And sshe felt mine. It wass incredible."

"Then... then the knowledge on how to sshapeshift was just there in my head. Jusst like that!" Ruby coughed for a moment and then continued: "Ok... not JUST like that. Even with the knowledge given to me the first few times all I did was change my shirt color as I had earlier that night."

Suddenly Ruby could be heard jumping on the bed in excitement: "But then... suddenly... I DID it! I really did! I shifted right back in my true form! Wings! Fangs! Talons! And a tail! Not to mention my beautiful shiny red scales. It was fantastic! Exhilarting! It jusst felt sso good to be mysself again."

More jumping up and down could be heard along with excited giggles. Then out of breath and still laughing she resumed: "Of coursse then I had to practice sshifting back. There were... ssome problemss with that too. My firsst attempt all I accomplished was ssummoning my shirt back... and let me tell you a whelping whearing a sshirt looks rediculous. Second try... ssame shirt but red. Gah!"

"I did eventually get it down though... with Kali's help. And now..."

The sound of flapping wings could be heard and Ruby bugled her triumph. "I'M MEEEEEEEEEEEE!"


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 6

RubyBioSmallThe voice diary of Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional).

The hour was late and Brantiela Lefault's house in Ironforge was quiet and dark. Downstairs the magus herself slept beside a small gnomeish woman with snow white hair cuddled up to her. A faint glimmer of light could be seen coming from upstairs along with an excited but hushed whisper.

Then the sound of a woman giggling could be heard.

Upstairs there was but a single lit lantern giving light to the room. Sitting on the guest bed was a second young gnomish woman, this one with red hair made up in two buns on either side of her head and dressed in a fine black and green tunic and well tailored black leggings. Strangely for one so young she had a monocle covering one eye.

It was this gnome who was giggling and whispering into a small red gem... a star ruby.

"I had the mosst wonderful day diary!" Ruby said excitedly. "Well first I had a lovely day, then it got dark and ssad, but then it finally ended very wonderful indeed!"

"You will have to bear with me... a lot happened to me today." She said with a giggle.

"You will remember that lasst time I was heading to a party of the Retribution, well it ended up being a St. Patorick'ss Day celebration. Everyone was dressed in green... except for me and another gnome I heard was named Fizzgig, except he was sstrange anyway...  but no one had told me to dresss in any way special."

"I sso very badly wanted to fit in... I had been to a lot of Retribution eventss before but never as an actual member. I very much wanted to make a good impressssion. It was during a game they called the "Leprechaun Hunt" that I ssuddenly found I WASS dressed in green! I wanted it sso much that I was able to sshapeshift my sshirt without even knowing!"

"Finally progress in my quest to gain control of my draconic abilities! But the night did not end there..."

"Aantelah told the story of St. Patorick who once saved Elwynn Forest from a great evil. That's why we wear green to honor his name. It's a very beautiful story and sshe told it well. After that Elnora and Rylas won the "Wearer of the Green" contest and became the King and Queen of the Green."

"Then I assked Rylas to dance... and he did!" Ruby said then broke off in a giggle. Blushing a light pink at the rememberance she continued: "He wass very graciouss during our dance and very handssome I thought. And afterward he called me a WONDERFUL dancer."

"That'ss right me. I'M a wonderful dancer! And I hadn't even danced before!" Ruby said with pride in her voice.

The sound of a small gnome's footsteps could be heard on the old creaky bed. A slightly out of breath Ruby continued: "I can still remember the steps too... it'ss jusst as eassy now as it wass earlier tonight. I can sstill hear the mussic too... I don't think I'll ever forget it."

The small gnome continued to dance on the bed to music only she could hear. Twirling around during one high point in the imaginary music she tripped and fell onto the bed then broke out into laughter.

"Luckily I did not fall on my tail during the real thing. Anyway... I think Rylass wass drunk because after our dance he went and danced on top of a table and sslowly took off all his clothes except his loincloth. It was really weird. And somehow the room got really warm. At leasst I think it musst have been becausse ssomeone said my face wass really red. We really should have Sshia leave the front door open during thesse events."

"I think he'd be a very sstrong sire though... after seeeing what... well nevermind... sso I tried to convince he and Bran to mate. They both need hatchlingss and it would kill two problemss with one sstone. Bran is sstill being sstubborn though. So I musst continue to be patient with her."

"Iss it warm in here? I'd better go open the balcony door."

The sound of someone hopping down from a bed could be heard and then the unlatching of a door and the quiet sounds of Ironforge at night could be heard. Then the sounds of someone climbing back up on the bed until...

"Ok back. That sshould cool the room off ssome. Really sshould talk to Bran about the heating ssituation here."

"After that the party sstarted to break up but not before Aantelah called me a little gem! She'ss very ssweet. I thanked her for holding such a wonderful event. I was alsso able to talk with my new friendss Nelkaah and Sharikea again. Unfortunately we were interrupted and that'ss where the dark and ssad part comess in..."

Ruby sighed. "I don't think I'm ever going to be worthy of my mother."

"While we were talking we realized we were being watched by what at first appeared to be a sshy magus. She said her name was Demosthenes. But sshe wasn't a mage at all! She was in fact a Blue Dragon under the sservice of Malygoss. When I found that out Nelkaah had to hold me back... all I wanted to do was tear her throat out! I tried... I really did... but Nelkaah is really sstrong."

"I know my reaction wass a little extreme... and I'm not ssure mother would approve. But we... the Astherion'ss and I... we've lost a home... and for a time we lost Rin to the Blue Dragonflight. I've lost many brotherss and ssisterss to them as well. They also lay siege to our most sacred temple! And Demos... sshe ssaid that this whole war was motherss fault! How DARE sshe?!"

"I don't want to talk about any of THAT however. It jusst enragess me. More in a minute... I jusst need to calm down. Damn Malygoss anyway." Ruby sighed and then the gem was clicked off.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 5

RubyBioSmallThe voice diary of Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional):

"I'm back diary... jusst need to check out of my room. Hold on a moment." Ruby said, then a small ringing sound could be heard, possibly from a bell.

"Hello?" said a voice.

"Yess, I 'd like to check out of my..." Ruby responded.
"Is someone there?" the voice asked.

Ruby sighed. "I'm down here." Then the sound of someone jumping. "I'm below the counter! Down here!"

"Oh there you are... my your a little one..."

"No, you're just freakishly tall." Ruby said with a trace of annoyance. 

"My, my... no reason to be snappish." the voice replied.

The sound of Ruby grumbling could be heard. "Jusst letting you know I don't need the room another night."

The sound of stomping could be heard... or at least that was what Ruby was going for as she exited the inn. It sounded a lot less like stomping and a lot more like... well stepping actually. Then the sound of a breeze could be heard and the singing of birds.

"FINALLY out of there." Ruby mumbled to herself. "Oh! This blased thing is sstill on!"

"Hope you enjoyed that eternity." Ruby said then giggled despite herself. "Jusst a glimpsse of life I guess."

"I DID meet ssome nice people yesterday though. Two druidss named Nelkaah and Sharikea. I welcomed them to the city and then taught them the proper way to fissh out of the canals. Don't ask it's a long story. But they had some quaint idea of using a pole and some kind of wire. That's just ssilly. Where's the fun in THAT? I taught them how to jump in and grab the fish themselves!"

"They were very thankful." Ruby said with satisfaction.

"Then we showed Nelkaah the Tram and Ironforge. Sshe'd never been before. We sshowed her the different disstricts of the city and then we left the city gatess and went outsside as sshe was missing nature a bit. It was COLD!"

"Luckily Nel wass in her bear form and Shari wass in her cat form to keep warm sso I cuddled up with them. It wasn't very cold after that! They were sso adorable.... don't tell them I ssaid that if you ever meet them. I wouldn't want them to think I didn't take them seriously. But they were jusst so cute."

"They taught me how to say Darnassssusssss.... uh... wait I'll get it... Darnassssss...." Ruby said with raising frustration and then: "Dar-nah-sus!"

"That word iss very difficult for me. Don't make fun. Common issn't eassy to pick up. At ALL."

"Did I mention the part where we saw a baby murloc and it danced and sang a song? That wass really cute too. Then Shari held me down and tickled me... and that wassn't so cute. But she's a prankster. If you ever meet her be very careful. Though sshe really does mean well I think."

"Oh and sshe doesn't trust rogues either. For a moment sshe thought -I- was one if you can believe that! But I explained I was a huntresssss.... uh... ssorry about that... another hard word. Bah!"

"I'm off for now, I'm on my way to some party in Sstormwind. I heard about it over the guildstone. Oh? Did I mention I had joined the Retribution? I did. I think as we're all fighting up north the Red Dragonflight sshould be repressented here to and no one hass heard from Kaorou in ssome time. I hope sshe's alright."

Then Ruby added: "One final thought about my 'gnome problem'. I've decided to talk to Bran's Albino Drake face to face to ssee if we can get matters ressolved. I need to figure out if sshe's even worthy of joining the Wrymresst Accord. And I REALLY would like to be myself again."

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 4

RubyBioSmall The voice diary of Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional).

"I'd better hurry... it'ss moving on to evening and they're bound to rent the neighboring room out again tonight. And I don't want their mating callss recorded on my diary for eternity." Ruby said with a sigh. "I've decided I'm finding somewhere else to stay. ANYWHERE else. Goldsshire issn't to my taste anymore."

Sounds of shuffling and items being packed away could be heard. Then she continued: "I'm afraid I had a bit of a 'Rhune moment'. I'm not ussually argumenative but sshe was a death knight. Now they tend to make me nervouss in general... they're sso much the opposite of what my Flight stands for. But I can usually ignore them. After all it's not their fault they are like that. But she was starring at me from under that creepy helm of hers, her cold eyes an icy blue and it gave me the shudderss."

"So I confronted her. I sstarted out polite enough... found out her name wass Kygeria... but then it came out she was one of THOSE. You know... the kind that revelss in raising ghoulss... enslaving fallen soulss to her will... and well that's when the 'Rhune moment' started. I couldn't help it. Those poor people she enslavess... it just made me ssick to my stomach."

"So we argued about it. She claimed they were jusst inanimate objects her magic made puppetss out of. I argued that necromancy by it's very nature would use the souls of the fallen to give ssuch constructs a ssemblance of intelligence... or at least a low cunning. After all she was undead herself and SHE claimed to still be the person she once was. Proof enough my theory had ground to stand on."

"For one brief moment... I think I got to her. I really do. But then sshe pushed it all aside and remained ssteadfast. I think she just doesn't WANT to believe me... sso she doesn't. That makess me pity her. But more I pity those poor soulss she uses against their will."

A small grunt could be heard as Ruby tried to stuff one last thing into her pack. Then slightly out of breath she resumed: "I'm having the hardesst time stuffing the blanketss from this room into my pack. I don't know where I'll end up so I"m taking them with me. It's technically stealing but after three nightss of listening to mating calls I think they overcharged."

"Anyway, I'm all packed up, more when I get on the road."

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 3


 The voice diary of Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional).

Ruby was listening at the wall of her small room at the Lion's Pride Inn, trying to see if she could hear anything from her once noisy neighbors. Sighing the young dragon in gnomish form gave up and sat back on her bed. Taking a small star ruby from her pocket she began to speak into it...

"Well I don't think sshe's dead. I thought for a moment there at the end her heart may have given out but I think they're just assleep."

"Anyway I spoke with Rhune's youngesst ssister Rhyslaine yesterday. I wanted to talk to her before my new form was common knowledge. She sseems to have a sstrong dislike of dragonss of all colors and I wanted the chance to gauge if she was part of the Asstherion family in her heart or if she wass just ssome ssort of unliving horror before she could erect a wall between us."

"In sshort I think sshe is a very confused and bitter persson. But I think sshe also greatly dessires to be a part of this family once again now that sshe has found us. I think sshe is very lonely. And if sshe is telling the truth then sshe has good reason to be wary of my kind."

"I like her and I think sshe meanss well. But if she is telling the truth it will hurt my human just as much as if sshe were lying. All I know for sure right now is we need to watch over Rhune and Tana's mother Samantha very carefully until we know what is going on. If Rhyslaine ISS telling the truth then Samantha Astherion may be very dangerouss indeed."

"I asked Rhyslaine if she thought it had been a mistake to tell Rhune she was a death knight conssidering his reaction to that revelation. Sshe replied that he desserved to know the truth. Feeling guilty I told her who I really was. Sshe didn't react well to my deception or true nature but we talked for a long time and I think that even if she won't trust the Red Flight she may have decided to judge me on my own meritss. I think she came to like me at the end. I hope sso at least."

"I admit to having my own biasses. Death knights are the oppossite of everything the Red Dragonflight sstands for. But sshe is Rhune's ssister. I have to give her a chance."

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 2


 The voice diary of Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional).

“Quiet down over there!” Ruby shouted with annoyance. “Ssome of uss are trying to hear ourselvess think!”

The young dragon had rented a small room at the Lion’s Pride Inn. Brantiela had warned her of some creature called a “harlot” who was paid to mate with others. Ruby still wasn’t sure she understood how that worked exactly but evidently there was mating going on in the next room for she could hear their mating calls.

“Light! Yes… yes! Oh light!” a feminine voice screeched from the next room. Evidently harlots were very religious creatures while mating. It really seemed strange to Ruby to ask for the Light’s blessing on the union DURING the mating however.

Come to think of it Sylerrinn seemed really interested in Elune at such times as well. To Ruby’s mind she really should have been thinking of Rhune instead. But far be it from Ruby to interfere with elven mating rituals.

Lifting a small star ruby near her mouth she spoke into it: “Humanoidss are sstill puzzling creatures. I have sspent my entire life with them, and know them better than my own people, and I sstill can’t figure them out.”

“For instance I have been trying to ensure the bloodliness of people I care about continue sso that when they are gone I will have something left of them. I know I am still very young but it weighss on my mind that they will all be gone one day.”

“I sstarted with Bran and then Sil… I even tried with Shakta. I talked to each one of them about the importance of hatchlingss and how it was their duty to continue their bloodliness. When they sseemed a little confused on the matter… and let me just ssay none of these otherwise fine woman know a thing about attracting a mate… I explained to them in detail how it was ssupposed to work.”

“I told them about how they should sun themselves on a rock and let out the trilling sound that will alert nearby sires that they were ready.”

“I told them how the sires would fight over them, and the victor would win the right to mate with them, ensuring the hatchlingss to follow were the sstrongest and brightest.”

Ruby continued. “This only sseemed to confuse them further. And for ssome reason they seemed very embarrassed… except for Shakta who seemed amused. Amused! And after I tried to help her. Humanoidss get embarrassed about the sstrangest things.”

Suddenly the young dragon’s thoughts were interrupted by a voice from the next room: “LIGHT! YESSSSSSSSSSSS!”

Ruby sighed: “Ok… not ALL humanoidss are embarrassed about such things. How sshe knows the mating was ssuccessful so soon I have no idea though. But at least she knows how to give her deity thankss.”

“Anyway… Rylas explained that mortal mating rituals were different than those of dragonss and that I really shouldn’t interfere unless I was assked. He may have a point, it took Rhune and his mate FOREVER to have hatchlingss but they did eventually. I just need to be patient.”

“Patience is hard for me knowing those I care for may not ssurvive the current war however. Mother however sseems to prefer to allow the mortals to find their own path. I shall do my best to emulate her.”

“In other news I need to find a ssolution to my "gnome" problem ssoon. I think my human is probably worried about me by now.”

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 1


 The voice diary of Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional):

Rublestrasza Astherion sat at the moonwell in Stormwind Park. Currently she appeared in the form of a young gnomish woman with red hair, wearing very finely tailored clothes, and wearing a monocle that if one spent only a little time with her they soon found she was very proud of though she did not seem to need it particularly.

She dipped her toe into the water, then raising her foot high over the water again, she let it fall with a sudden splash. Giggling in delight she quickly gave a yelp as the water soaked her clothes.

"Right... clothing and water...  not a good mix. I miss my sscaless." the gnome sighed to herself.

Holding up a small star ruby in her hand she seemed to be talking into it.

"Anyway... my human ussed to write a journal and it alwayss sseemed to keep him centered. I could certainly use that now. So I sshall do the same in the time honored method my own people use. I sshall record my thoughtss ussing my own voice inside this ruby." she said seeming pleased with herself. "At leasst I have masstered one draconic ability."

"I only wissh the otherss were ass eassy. I have managed to breathe fire once in my whelping form but have been unable to repeat it.  It iss very frusstrating. I then managed to shift into this gnomissh form... but have been unable to shift back. I am stuck like thiss and I am ssoooo embarrassed. I can't let my human or any other dragonss learn of this. I'll never live it down. It'll be centuries and centuries of jokess... all good natured... but sstill annoying."

Ruby said firmly: "I'd really rather avoid that."

"I have told a few otherss however. I need their help. I told Brantiela firsst, and then Silnesstria, then Bondai, and finally Rylass. I hope no others will be necessary." Ruby smiles to herself then continued, "Each hass proven a good friend when needed however. Bonai and Rylass offered comfort and both amussed me greatly as well as teaching me thingss I hadn't realized about humanoid culture, though perhapss I sshould have."

Ruby continued: "Brantiela and SSilnesstria are trying to help me regain my true form. Bran's albino drake knows how to shift back and forth at will and iss willing to teach me, if I will talk on her behalf to my family. She wishes to join the Wrymrest Accord."

"The only problem is I can't talk to my family without them knowing of my... situation. I don't know what to do. I am going to have to think my way past this carefully. I feel I need to do thiss though... if only to prove to mysself that I am not a mere whelping anymore. I'm growing up and it's time I acted like it! I can sstand on my own four feet.... er... two...  whatever."

Ruby finished: "More later. For now I need to think my way through thiss."

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I play a dragon. Deal with it.


I can hear the gasps of the role-play elitists out there: “OMG thou play a dragon! Burn the heathen!”. Yes, it’s true. Playing a dragon is often referenced in the same breath with characters that are half-demon, half-vampire, half-blood elf, half-night elf, and the adopted son of Illidan. All rolled into one person.

Unlike that particular example which is actually impossible for lore reasons dragons on Azeroth do indeed shift to humanoid shapes. Instead this comes more from the dislike of the “special snowflakes” in general.

This is certainly understandable to an extent. Too often players make the mistake of thinking their character must have something special in their past or background to stick out in people’s minds. But this is not so.

Here’s a secret: No one cares about the past or background of your character other than yourself. You can play the princess of Stormwind all you want and no one is going to care about your character.

It’s not your character’s past but how you play your character in the present that makes a character memorable in people’s minds.

So why am I playing a dragon?

Because I have always wanted to play her.

In a way I’ve been playing her for over three years. Ruby has been my mage’s pet whelpling (or maybe he’s been her human) all along and she’s always been as much a character as the person I was playing. During this time I’d always had the idea in the back of my mind that one day I would focus on her and give her the attention she deserved.

With Wrath of the Lich King Blizzard has put red drake flying mounts in the game. I’ve been waiting for this since before there even were flying mounts at all. The thought that Rhune would fly on the back of any other dragon than his beloved Ruby was really not ever going to happen. Even in the midst of the Burning Crusade, before red drakes were even mentioned for Wrath, I refused to get a Netherdrake just in the HOPE that there would be red drakes in our future.

This meant it was time for Ruby to grow up. And to grow up she needs to explore her draconic abilities, and one of those abilities is shape shifting. More importantly this would give me a chance to play her separately from Rhune and grow as a character in her own right.

After three years of playing her as a whelpling vanity pet, I think I’ve earned the right to play her in gnome/drake form. And to anyone who doesn’t agree…

Well that’s fine. No one is forcing you to play with her. But for myself, I intend to have a blast. In fact I already am.

Friendship Restored? Pt. 3


It’s been a few days now and matters seem to have stabilized between us. We talk a lot more lately, with the exception of yesterday, where we were both pretty quiet. But some days are just like that.

I think that on my part the problems that I had are just impossible to go through all at once. It would force dredging up a ton of things from the past that would only bring up old hurts and pain. I need to take a suggestion from our blunt but perceptive friend and just let it all go. But when these situations replay themselves out in the present (and they will) I need to bring these issues up in the context of the present, hopefully gently enough she doesn’t withdraw.

I tended to not bring things up just thinking it was better to keep the peace. But that just meant things would only come to light when we were arguing and that brought with it an… explosive effect.

Lack of communication is our largest problem along with HOW we communicated when we managed to do so. That’s really what we have to change.

That won’t be easy for either of us. As ever we are stubborn people.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Arcane Destiny Pt. 3


Rhune Astherion sat on his large stuffed chair with his daughters Lamorra and Lakorra snuggled sleeping on either side of him. Rhune was dressed in his finest green and black tunic and black leggings, while his daugters were both dressed in fine green silk dresses to match. Lamorra had a cat sleeping on her lap while Lakorra held a stuffed Talbuk doll close to her chest. Both were snoring lightly.

Rhune savored the peaceful moment. Then he reached slowly and carefully to the adjacent table so as not to disturb the girl's sleep and picked up his journal. Rhune hushed the cat when it gave forth a "meow" at being disturbed and it quickly quieted and cuddled closer to Lakorra. Reaching over he repeated the process for his inkpot and quill and began to write:

March 29th, 28th year after the Dark Portal:

Today we celebrated St. Patorick's Day. We opted not to attend the Retribution party and instead we stayed home with the girls. Spend all day with drunken soldiers making fools of themselves or spend quality time with the daughters I haven't seen in two months? Wasn't much to think about really.

I bought them the most lovely green silk dresses so they could honor St. Patorick in style. Their eyes lit up so big when they saw them... it may be hard to make them wear anything else. Certainly the most we've ever spent on a single dress for them to date. I then told them the story of St. Patorick for the first time and they seemed to enjoy that as well.

Lamorra and Lakorra told us a story too. A most amusing tale about an imaginary adventure they had when they and Ruby went to go find Rin's cat Jitters. They have the most active imagination. I couldn't help being proud as they told their story. It was so adorable.

I think they're favorite part of the day however was when played "Hunt for the Leprechaun's Treasure". I bought some chochalate's shaped as coins wraped in gold wrappings. We hid them throughout the house though never anywhere that was too difficult. I think the whole neighborhood must have heard each time a new "coin" was found as the girls squeeled each time they discovered another one.

It was a good day. I think we all really needed it. Rin still seems sad and distant from her ordeal though. I hope today helped her. I continue to keep an eye on her but I think she still needs more time.

Arcane Destiny Pt. 2


March 27th, 28th year after the Dark Portal:

I spoke with Rhyslaine this morning. Also known as the death knight claiming to be my youngest sister. I am still not sure if I believe that though Ruby has shown no sign that she is lying and she has always been strangely empathic. There is the chance however that because Rhyslaine is dead Ruby's senses are unreliable. Of course Tana believes her. But then Tana will believe anyone and accept anything if it means another piece added to our missing family.

I wonder if Tana will be so trusting after what Rhyslaine told me?

I dare not write down Rhyslaine's revelations here. Not yet. I just hope that she is lying. I hate to think it of my supposed sister but the alternative is even worse.

Arcane Destiny


The magus Rhune Astherion sat surrounded by the wonders and strange materials of his arcane workshop. Scrolls and books filled the shelves and counter. Magic wands glittered with power. Infinite Dust lay in piles and filled crates to the brim. Glass cases filled with a strange glowing mist, cosmic essence itself, filled one shelf just on it's own. And glowing Dream Shards caught the eye wherever one looked. At a far desk an enchanted quill and rows upon rows of inks of various shades waited patiently for their owner to once again need them. Standing next to him was a creature created from mana itself, waiting for the mage's bidding.

The magus ignored them all for now. Instead he turned his attention to a well maintained leather-bound book on the counter next to him and a quite ordinary quill that he was using to write:

March 26th, 28th year after the Dark Portal:

It has been a strange week. I have been released from prison and find myself out in the world again. And the world has changed in my absence. It has been years since I kept a journal but with so many changes and so many thoughts running through my head I think I need to in order to make sense of it all.

The worst news is my son's wife Aleyna and their unborn daughter are gone. She just left one day on a whim. Reports have come in saying she died but I don't know if I believe them. But in either case they are gone. My son is devastated of course. I wish there was some way I could comfort him but he has withdrawn from me. I fear there may be nothing I can do for him.

I was overjoyed to see Rin and the girls again. To see them alive and well was all I ever wanted. I will never be able to thank Shirath and the Retribution enough for rescuing them. All I can do is try not to cause trouble for the Retribution in the future and be there if they should ever call. I hope they can forgive my transgressions in time. Half of them still think it was some kind of quest for power. I seem to have some bridges to mend.

Ruby was seemingly missing and had been since the day of my release. I eventually discovered from Brantiela the truth. She is in what she considers an embarrassing predicament. I wish she had trusted me enough to let me know. But I won't disturb her draconic dignity by invading her privacy. If she must do this alone to prove something to herself then I will wait patiently for her to return to us. The girls miss her though. As do I.

While in prison I studied the enchanting and arcane journals that Brantiela smuggled in to me. I couldn't practice my art there but I could read and memorize. Upon release I put what I had learned to use, I can now create an elemental of pure magic to do my bidding. And unlike those poor deluded Warlocks I don't have to corrupt my soul to do it. No Fel Magic required. I still need to name him though.

Finally I helped Dawsen move what belongings we still have into the new house. I still like our old house better, so many memories and more space. But home for me is wherever Rin and the girls are. I am sure I will grow to love it soon enough.

Soon I must report to the Kirin Tor. I am sure they are displeased with my recent actions. I hope next week is less... interesting.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Cast of Characters


This post will list out my main role-playing characters and the cast of characters that they most often interact with. This post will be put in both the Rhune and Ruby’s Journal sections and each time a character is mentioned in one of their journals that character will be added here.

Note: When the term “Astherion siblings” are used it is always a reference to Rhune, Kaistana, and Rhyslaine Astherion. The “twins” always refer to Lamorra and Lakorra Astherion.


The Astherion Family:

Adiros Sidael: Kaistana’s husband and the father-by-blood of Dawsen.

Arallon Astherion: Kaistana’s elder son and brother to Dawsen. A bit of a scoundrel and a Warlock though this fact has been kept hidden from Rhune.

Dawsen Astherion: Birth son to Kaistana and Adiros but was adopted by Rhune. A battle mage in the service to Stormwind and a demolitions expert. He is often rebellious of authority except that which comes from the military.

Kaistana ‘Tana’ Astherion: The middle child of the Astherion siblings and mother to Dawsen and Arallon. Once a warlock she has since found the light and taken the mantle of a Paladin. She often acts as the matron of the Astherion family.

Kayenne Astherion: A cousin of Rhune’s from the Lorderon branch of the Astherion family.

Lakorra ‘Kora’ Astherion: One of the 4 year old twin daughters of Rhune and Sylerrinn. She is a little bit of a daddy’s girl.

Lamorra ‘Mora’ Astherion: One of the 4 year old twin daughters of Rhune and Sylerrinn. Has a great affinity for animals and Sylerrinn’s pet cat Jitters follows her everywhere.

Rhune Astherion: The eldest of the three Astherion siblings. He is a magus of the Kirin Tor and has great ambitions for the advancement of magic and what he calls Azeroth’s Arcane Destiny. Often acts as the patron of the Astherion family. His dislike of warlocks, death knights, and engineering are legendary.

Rhyslaine Astherion: The youngest of the Astherion siblings, she was long thought dead along with Samantha. She was a pawn of the Black Dragonflight her entire life until she was killed by the Scarlet Crusade and brought back as a Death Knight by Arthas. She seeks vengeance against the Black Dragonflight for her fate and the approval of the Astherion family.

Rublestrasza ‘Ruby’ Astherion: A red whelpling who “owns” Rhune. She is very protective of the Astherion family and keeps a careful eye over Lamorra and Lakorra who she calls the Astherion “hatchlings”. Lately she has begun maturing and started to explore her draconic powers, including shape shifting by taking on the form of a gnomish woman.

Samantha ‘Lestonia’ Astherion: The mother of the Astherion siblings she was long thought lost during a mission for the Red Dragonflight along with their father Dawson. In fact she was taken and corrupted by the Black Dragonflight and now serves their interests unknown to anyone except the youngest sibling Rhyslaine.

Sylerrinn ‘Rin’ Astherion: The wife of Rhune and mother of Lamorra and Lakorra. Once a priestess of Elune her mind was nearly broken and her powers cut from her forever after being captured by Malygos and the Sapphire Circle in a plot against Rhune and the Kirin Tor.


Friends & Enemies:

Anthus Steelshatter: A bard who Ruby is romantically involved with. After going on thier first hunt/date together he is now officially her boyfriend.

Brantiela LeFault: A sorceress of the Kirin Tor and a long time friend of Rhune’s. Lately she has begun helping Ruby in her quest to come of age. Known for getting herself in trouble. A drunken Bran is considered a national disaster by the Stormwind government.

Bondai: A creation of the Eredar Bondai has since found her own way in the world. A sometimes friend of Rhune she has become a closer friend of Ruby’s.

Kali: Bran’s Albino drake. She wants acceptance by the Wyrmrest Accord for her and the other Albinos and is helping Ruby learn to shapeshift to gain her aid in this endeavor.

Mourne: A necromancer and death knight Rhune is highly suspicious of him because he sees necromancy as just another science. In a relationship with Shakta.

Nelkaah: A night elven druidess who has befriended Ruby.

Rylas: A night elven warrior who is often critical of Rhune but is a brother in all but name to Dawsen. Ruby to her eternal embarrassment has a not-so-secret crush on him.

Shakta: A trickster and a prankster, she is romantically involved with Mourne. An acquaintance of Ruby’s.

Sharikea: A night elven druidess who has befriended Ruby.

Silnestria Ravencroft: A magus of the Kirin Tor. Once the fiancé of Rhune she is still close friends with the Astherion family and despite the fact that she is seperated from Rhune she is still the adopted mother of Dawsen.


More will be added as journal posts warrant. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Friendship Restored? Pt. 2

More mediation. This time with a new friend, one known for being rather... blunt. That wouldn't have worked on the first night, but having already made the initial breakthru it helped on the second.

We were able to learn which parts of our personalities were creating the conflicts, much of which we already knew, some was new, but in either case it's always good to see it all from an outsider's perspective. We also learned how the way we interacted verbally was conflicting with those personalities and causing much of our drama.

Much of this dealt with her big underlaying problems with me. And I really am going to do my best to take what I learned and improve our relationship because I really don't want to hurt her. I never did.

Those were some big steps we took. They helped a lot. We're even talking to each other in private again. But we still have so far to go.

None of that addressed my underlaying problems. And even if how I discuss problems with her changes, and that changes how she acts toward me... still won't address my underlaying problems. Something I think even our blunt, perceptive friend didn't really understand. Those problems pre-date everything else that's been going on. I've tried hard to explain those problems. And she's listened. But either I don't explain them well or she just isn't of a mentality to take it in... as if it's so fundamentally different than the way she thinks she just CAN'T understand it.

Personally, I'm betting it's both at the same time.

In either case I don't know what to do. I really don't. I think of our relationship and I don't mourn her as if she died anymore. But I do feel a queasy feeling in my stomach. We've reset the clock to an earlier point when things were less stressed and horrible between us. But for the moment I think we're still set on the same path that will lead us there.

Have I given up hope? No. We made incredible progress over just two days. More than we could ever have expected. More than we ever could have dreamed. You simply cannot repair months of damage in just a few days.

And if nothing else we are both stubborn just as we have always been. It's the reason for many of our fights... but it's the reason those fights don't break us apart too.

We're simply too stubborn to let go of the other.

Friendship restored?

After my triumphant completion of the story for Blizz's contest I was able to enjoy that high for an hour or two before the situation between me and the person from the Shattered Friendship entry very nearly exploded in a very public way. What happened isn't really that important only that it did.

It was bad enough that a good friend of ours had to mediate for us. And yes this meant our "divorce" now had a "marriage counciller" just in case the marriage metaphor wasn't strong enough already.

And so this third party slowly mediated us toward being civil with one another. As we are both very stubborn people, each in our own way, this process took hours. But we did eventually get there. And that thrawed us enough to talk even when our friend left to go to bed and which point a lot of emotions and the reasons behind them came out while the two of us talked.

If nothing else was made apparent that night at the very least one thing clearly was: No matter what else had happened, or how cold, bitter, and frustrated we got with the other, we still deeply cared about the other and the void that was left when the other was gone from our lives was something we were both illequipped to deal with.

Alright... so she cried and my eyes watered and my throat felt as if I HAD cried so that it really didn't matter if I did or not. It's very hard to convince yourself the other person doesn't care when you tell them that the game is more fun for you when they're not there and that person breaks down crying.

So we DID still care. We were both missing the other terribly, and were absouletly miserable without the other. And we'd found a way to at least be civil in public.

That's progress. And it brings us to day two...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Panic fading...

I made it! Granted I did sleep some before I got it done but when I woke up Sunday afternoon I wrote and wrote... and wrote! Finally at 10:00pm on Easter Sunday I finished and submitted my entry for the Blizzard Creative Writing Contest. Yeah... I finished it with only two hours to spare. But on schedule is on schedule I say.

It's done... it's finally done!

Between the contest, and the frosty relations with a certain someone, this week has been nothing but constant tension. Both situations worked together the night before so that I got very little sleep on Saturday. Strangely that other situation also came to a head late Easter Sunday as well.

The end result being that this Easter has been the ultimate roller coaster and has left me physically and emotionally exhausted. I must have slept for twelve hours when it was all over.

But it was worth it. I stuck to a schedule and completed a story from start to finish. And I'm proud of that. Very proud indeed. And the high I got from doing so... few other things can compare really.

As for the other issue... well that deserves it's own blog entry.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Panic Mode!

In case you didn't know Blizzard is holding a writing contest as can be seen here:

For those who check the deadline on the rules page you'll realize there is only twenty-three hours left to finish the story. What does that mean? It means I am in PANIC MODE!! There can be no sleep until my entry is finished and submitted.

Wish me luck.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Glimpses of Azeroth

Ok, so today is going to be a downer no matter what. But I decided to be productive and put up a slideshow of images over at the top of the sidebar. Each one features one of my characters, the character of a close friend, or sometimes both.

Seems like a good time to introduce some of them.

Rhune Astherion: He's the mage with the black hair and goatee. He's my main character and his continuing story has played out for 3+ years now. He can be arrogant and close minded, but he is often naive and innocent as well. He may take what is perceived as the wrong course but it's always because he thinks it's the right one.

Rublestrasza "Ruby": Rhune's red whelpling companion. She is both the whelpling pet AND the red headed gnome seen in the images. Lately she has begun to mature and I've been exploring some of her draconic powers including shape shifting. For you elitists out there, wait till the blog post where I talk about her before you judge her for being a "dragon" character.

Sylerrinn Astherion-Dawnshadow: The night elf priestess. Rhune's soon to be ex-wife. See a Shattered Friendship for why. It was a lot of fun while it lasted. I'll miss you hun, never think that I don't.

Nimit: The Night Elf male. He is childlike and innocent. And he'll cut your throat and think nothing of it as part of his "game". Sweet and very, VERY creepy at the same time.

Riely Darkfizzle: The gnome on the broomstick. A gnomish child with the gift of Fel Magic and a cursed vodooo doll. Played by a good friend and an excellent RP'er.

Out of this batch my favorite pic has to be the "defense of Wyrmrest" screenshot. It's Rhune and Ruby surrunded by their people (Stormwind for Rhune, red dragons for Ruby) defending the most sacred site of Ruby's kinsman. It's just so heroic. Not photoshopped, it's a straight pic from the game taken at just the right moment.

Shattered friendship

I don't mean to start things on a down note but remember in the intro where I said I'd share the drama as well as the joys of role-playing in World of Warcraft?

Yeah, sorry to say drama happened before I could get to the more positive stuff. My apologies.

I met my real life best friend within the game. At one time we were inseperable. We know almost everything about the other, we role-played in the game together, our characters were practically on the same account as anything the other needed was given freely, within the game we were partners in all things, we watched shows together on, we talked on voice chat. We did everthing it was possible to do together online.

We could talk about ANYTHING with the other, and often did. For hours.

Even though we had never met each other face to face she was truly my best friend. I've never known someone as intimately as I did her without that person being family or someone I was romantically involved in. She was neither, she was my friend. My BEST friend in the true meaning of the word. A meaning I think most people don't really understand. She might as well have been my sister for all intents and purposes.

Well even as I was typing the intro to this blog we were busy arguing and breaking up with one another. Things had been strained between us for months. I think we both knew it was over awhile ago but neither of us could really bring ourselves to say it outloud and make it real.

But ignoring something doesn't make it go away.

At the end of the day she's still self-centered and self-involved and I'm still smoothering and judgmental. Neither of us has added joy to the other's life in some time... only hurt and anger. We're both to blame of course. I may be biased but I think I tried to outreach a little more. But there comes a time when no matter how much you cared for the other you just have to let go.

Does that make our earlier relationship a lie? I don't think so. I wouldn't trade the time we did have together for anything and part of me will always care for her. I will deeply miss the person she once was and our friendship. There is a definite void in my life now, as if a close family member had died. But I can't say I'll mourn what our relationship became: empty and hollow... a thing of habit only.

I miss what once was, but I find I can't miss what our relationship has been the last few months.

Unfortunately we cannot ignore the other completely. We are still on the same server, in the same guild, and with the same friends. Moreover over the last year and nine months we had created an extended in-character family together that includes several other players. Hopefully we can keep this from spilling over into their play experience.

Note: I am not usually so emo. But this is a pretty major event and it seemed wrong somehow to have it go by unremarked. Really bad timing for the blog however. But this blog is about life in the game and life is like that. It's untidy.

Promise, usually things are more upbeat. Really.

*sighs* Who do you go to for comfort when it's the person you go to for comfort that you've ended a friendship with?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A statement of purpose

Mmm... new blog smell! I think introductions are in order but let's keep things simple at first.

What this blog is: This blog will be many things. Primarily it will be about the in-game life of a heavy role-player in the MMO World of Warcraft with all the joys and drama that entails. And there's quite a bit of both. For many who play WoW this aspect of the game is unexplored and maybe a little mysterious. Hopefully we can shed some light on it as well as provide articles on how to go about RP'ing yourself or to improve your techniques and find more people to RP with if you already do. I'll also be adding the in-character journal entries of my main characters as time goes on.

Lore is an important part of RP'ing as well so this blog will often review WoW tie-in products with an eye on it's lore and it's use as an aid to role-players in general.

This blog will also cover the Dungeon's and Dragons RPG from Wizard's of the Coast. The granddaddy of all RPG's both digital and paper I've come to fall in love with it all over again with the release of it's 4th Edition. Expect thoughts on the game in general, reviews of D&D products, and a journal of the campaign I run currently set in the Nentir Vale.

Finally, I admit to just having a consuming passion for fantasy in general and all worlds of enchantment and wonder. Expect to see any random tidbit I feel a need to talk about as long as it's fantasy related.

Who am I? My name is Terren Bruce. I have been a fan of fantasy and science fiction my entire life. Almost literally as one of the earliest toys I can remember from my childhood were Kenner's Star Wars action figures and playsets.

I enjoy storytelling in all it's forms. I see everything through that lens and I really can't remember a time that I didn't. If I like a piece of music it's because I've mentally connected part of a story to it. I see my life and the lives of others as an ongoing tale. I see history itself as just one fascinating story.

I blame George Lucas. I really do. But that sounds like a blog entry all by itself.

I'm passionate about storytelling, writing, books, fantasy, role-playing, and anything that brings a sense of wonder and enchantment to our lives. Oh and dragons. Can't get enough of those either. I blame Tolkien's Smaug and McCaffery's Dragonriders of Pern.

About real life things there's not much to tell. I'm thirty-three, am single currently, have parents who love and care for me, a brother who shares many of the same interests as I do (and his girlfriend does too for that matter), and I'm a cat person but don't have one currently as my beloved cat died last November and I can't bring mysef to repace her yet.

And my favorite color is blue.

Beyond that I'd rather keep it to myself unless it's really awesome and uplifting or really, really bad. Otherwise assume it's status quo and I'm basically doing well enough.

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