Music can be heard in the background, music both ancient and beautiful, music so harmonious as to make the heart ache for better times. The sound of a young gnomish woman sniffling can be heard as well.
“This music iss so beautiful… it moves me everytime.” Ruby said with a wishful sigh. “If only… well let’ss not get ahead of ourselvess we’d better start at the beginning.”
As Ruby continues the story she sounds oddly at peace and the usual hissing to her words are strangely absent though if she is aware of this unusual fact she gives no sign.
“It all started with a Death Knight named Tilby the Necronaut who serves with Manifest Destiny. I had met him previously in Dalaran where we had solved a murder mystery together. I suppose the Kirin Tor owes me one for that.”
“Anyway I didn’t think much of him. He’s one of THOSE: a Death Knight that revels in raising the dead. I really loathe that sort. In addition he seems to have problems being civilized with anyone of the female persuasion. I do not think there is a single woman alive who has met him that did not end the encounter wanting to slap him.”
“I ran into him again many days later at the Wayward Son. I have no idea why I started talking with him but I did. It came up that I had no idea just where my kin had come from and this notion seemed to horrify Tilby. I had no idea why at the time; it’s a Flight’s purpose that matters not where it comes from. But this idea seemed foreign to him.”
“He convinced me to join his expedition to the depths of Wyrmrest Temple. I wouldn’t normally have agreed but he convinced me I might find something to either defeat the blue or black dragonflights or bring them back into the fold.”
Ruby paused and then added drily: “I think I really went just to make sure he didn’t damage anything.”
“And so two days later we found ourselves at Wyrmrest joined by Katzghan of the Retribution, as well as Varcel and Lyryll of Manifest Destiny. It seems adventurers have been called in to deal with problems below Wyrmrest of late and so our presence was not seen as strange by the drakonoid guards.”
“Tilby quickly located the area he had been told led to the hidden catacombs and we were able to find an area of the wall that sounded “hollow” when knocking on it. We weren’t able to find a way to open a hidden door though so I’m afraid there was some… collateral damage to the Temple before we gained entry.”
“My apologies to mother and the entire Wyrmrest Accord for that.” Ruby said sounding very embarrassed.
“Lyryll took the lead while Katzghan seemed to hover protectively over me. Tilby follwed with Varcel taking up the rear.”
“It was sweet of Katz to look after me Death Knight or no… but I can take care of myself!” Ruby said slightly annoyed. “But I suppose it speaks well of him so I couldn’t bring myself to complain.”
“We saw many wondrous things though not all of them were… safe. Along with ancient Titan workshops and artifacts there were dangers as well including an ancient titan defense emplacement and the undead remains of one of the Catacomb's previous explorers. From an ancient Titan tablet we discovered there was an artifact somewhere in the catacombs that would give us very powerful knowledge. Eager to find this artifact we pressed on.”
“And that's when we came to the room that would change my life forever...”
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