Monday, August 23, 2010

Wyrmhearth Tavern happenings.

Originally posted to the DSC website on July 11th, 2010.

HildwynCaught A eventful evening could be found at the Wyrmhearth Tavern last night. A seemingly constant stream of people came and went while the Dragonsworn Council itself had a strong presence with both new memembers and long-time members who had lately returned attending.

New member Exziber, the sometimes night elven druid, sometimes shape-shifted ogre signed up to become the Wyrmhearth's new bouncer. Meanwhile the orb of the black dragonflight was brought by Jaara and given over to Dragonsworn custody. The orb's previous owner is expected to make a full recovery from it's corrupting influence.

The missing druid Mavenore, often a decoration of the Wyrmhearth's mantle in kitty form, made his return, having escaped the clutches of the troll priest that had been holding him for some weeks.

The big news of the night however was the return of Archmage Vargoth's staff which had been stolen last week from the Dragonsworn's vault below the Wyrmhearth. The thief, a dwarven woman named Hildwyn, returned the staff after it kept... talking to her. Apparently the staff is quite annoying. After a stern speech from Matron Rublestrasza Hildwyn understood the seriousness of her mistake and it's negative effect on the Nexus War in the north. The imprisoned Arch-Mage Vargoth continues to be the Dragonsworn's only contact within the Nexus. Hildwyn is currently indentured to the Wyrmhearth Tavern as her punishment.

The night wrapped up with an injured woman arriving in the need of healing, and a heated arguement between a Paladin of the Scarlet Crusade and the Argent Crusade. Hope versus cynisism? Light versus a bloody grey?

As always anything can happen at the Wyrmhearth and often does! We hope to see YOU next Saturday at 8pm.

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