Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Ruby Dragonshrine is liberated!

Originally posted to the DSC website on July 11th, 2010.

One and a half years ago the sacred Ruby Dragonshrine located near Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight was occupied by the souless minions of the Scourge. There they used their fel necromatic magics to raise emberwyrms from the fallen of the Red Dragonflight.

This could not be allowed to stand.

Last Wednesday the Dragonsworn Council assembled at the gates of Wyrmrest Temple and set out into occupied territory to find the Ruby's Heart. Once the center of the Ruby Dragonshrine it had been corrupted by the Scourge. Restoring it would open the way to a massive aerial assault by the Red Dragonflight.. and the liberation of the Ruby Dragonshrine.

Fighting their way through geists, abomonations, necromancers, and the death knight Orbaz Bloodbane the Dragonsworn were able to cleanse the Ruby Heart and call forth the wrath of the Red Dragonflight... the Ruby Dragonshrine has been liberated!

The following Dragonsworn have the thanks of not only Matron Rublestrasza but of Alexstrasza the Life-Binder herself: Exziber, Leonrosette, Lexix, Rublestrasza, Sark, and Turk. Aiding the Dragonsworn were Jaara and Perianna, the later of which joined the Dragonsworn at the end of the adventure. Thanks to everyone who attended and made the event so much fun! And extra thanks to Turkmuzan who GM'ed the adventure this week!


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