Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 27: Token of friendship

RubyMavShy The voice diary of the whelpling Rublestrasza(hissing intentional).

“It was another busy night at the Wyrmhearth Tavern. The Horde sstopped by again. I have no idea why they’re so obsessed with our Hot Dragon Wing recipe.” *resigned sigh*

“In happier news the Dragonsworn Council gained a new recruit in Hildwyn. Though sshe has a sshady passt even in relation to the Wyrmhearth Tavern I see much potential in her if her skillss can be given a productive outlet.”

“The big newss of the night however wass that Mavenore and Eon announced they had decided to get married before he completed hiss life-quest!”

“More than that… they want me to host the happy event!”

“Even more than THAT… Mav invited me to his and Eon’s new house in Thelsamar (right across the street from the Wyrmhearth) and gave me a gift. A beautiful rose from the Emerald Dream and then he asked me to be his Best Woman for the wedding!”

“I’m not overly familiar with mortal mating rituals but it sounds really important!”

“He says I’m supposed to carry Eon’s wedding ring… maybe he’ss afraid of thieves or ssomething. Well I’m certainly the best woman to defend it as I’m the fiercest whelpling you’ll find.”

“BEST Woman.”


“I guesss it’ss traditionally a best MAN but I think I’m as fierce in protecting wedding rings as any man could be. Or anyone taller for that matter.”

“I think it really jusst meanss we’re besst friendss though.”

“After I accepted the job of Best Woman I left Mav and Eon alone together. They later returned to the Wyrmhearth and announced they would be getting married TOMORROW!”

“I don’t have any time to prepare! Arrrrrrrrrgh!”

“Despite all thiss I worry about whether Mav will be able to let go of his previous wife Nyara who died in the Battle of Mount Hyjal. It’s been eight years and he still hasn’t truly let her go.”

“I found Mav at the graveyard in Thelsamar after the Wyrmhearth closed and he was holding his old wedding ring. We had a long talk and… I’m sstill worried about all thiss. I hope it turns out alright.”

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