Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 26: Buddies


Dedicated to my real-life best friend who is Mavenore’s typist.

The voice diary of the whelpling Rublestrasza(hissing intentional).

“In recent monthss I’ve become closse friendss with a druid named Mavenore. He’ss Dawsen’ss uncle on the Sidael sside of the Astherion family and hass taken to stopping by the Wyrmhearth Tavern and perching on our mantle place.”

“Don’t ssnicker. If you’ve never tried perching then you can’t know how enjoyable it iss.”

“Somewhere along the way between my trying to teach him proper resspect and hiss trying in his… uh… unique… way to teach me humility we have formed a ssort of sister-brother style bond.”

“Ssomehow hiss way of teaching alwayss involves me ending up drenched in a nearby body of water.” *sighs*

“Anyway… he hass ssomehow taken it into hiss head to make it hiss life-quest to bring peace between the Alliance and the Horde.”

“During thiss quest he hass fallen in love with a Blood Elf magistrix named Eon Manaborne. He has brought her to the Wyrmhearth frequently where I have had a chance to meet her. Sshe sseems quite lovely despite the tensionss between her people and those I have adopted in the Alliance.”

“During one of her initial visitss to the Wyrmhearth sshe and Rhune had an unfortunate misunderstanding about her intentions which led to a bit of a ruckus between Rhune and Mavenore. The bloodletting was minimal.”

“Mavenore can be very… protective it seemss.”

“Mav recently announced that once his life-quest has been achieved he intendss to marry Eon! I of coursse immediately volunteered the Dragonsworn’s services in thiss noble endeavor.”

“After all peace between the Alliance and Horde is something to be sought after.”

“My desire to see more Sidael hatchlings had nothing to do with it.”

“Or would it be kittenss? I’m not ssure how that workss.”

“That’s when matters got complicated. Ssoon after Mavenore was kidnapped by a troll shadow priest named Sgrios who wished to use him in a plot against the Dark Lady Sylvannas. He had ssome delusion that peace between the Horde and the Alliance would weaken both factions and make them vulnerable to some looming darkness.“

“Sgrios intended to use Mavenore to make ssure thiss would not happen. Not only would it discredit Mavenore with the Horde but an Alliance agent trying to assassinate a Horde leader would put an end to any other attemptss.”

“The only information we had is that thiss Sgrios wass often to be found in Silvermoon. I’ve never taken any other form than that of my true form and that of a gnome. But I felt I really had no choice.”

BERuby2 “I studied the blood elven form for a week non-stop before finally making the attempt. If you have never shape-shifted before it iss hard to describe. I picked the gnomish form because it’s weight and balance were mosst comfortable to me. The Blood Elvish form however… they’re so… THIN and TALL. It made me dizzy!”

“I’m not joking. It took me sseveral hourss before I felt like I wouldn’t throw up.”

“Ssomething to do with inner-ear balance.”

“Also… I had no idea how ssensitve an Elf’s earss were. I may need to have Anthus explore that idea at a later date.” *giggles*

*coughs* “Anyway… I journeyed to Silvermoon with Anthus, Eon, and Ishuzugosa my “squire” from the Dragonsworn Council. The guards let us through with no problemss. Thosse came later at a tavern in Silvermoon City when I got in a minor altercation with a troll who was talking about how  he’d fought and killed a red dragon.”

“A Blood Knight named Seana broke uss up before anyone was killed. Sshe wass very sstern and I think I am lucky I did not end up in jail!”

“They take law and order very sseriously in Silvermoon City.”

“We did eventually meet with Eon’s contact and he told uss of many locationss where this Sgrios may have taken Mavenore to be corrupted.”

“Having accomplisshed our mission we left. But there were unseen consequences as apparently the troll from the tavern is an important figure in the Horde military. The Kirin Tor later sent Brantiela to arrest me for questioning!”

“Humph. I remember when the Kirin Tor were wiser.”

“Eventually we got that all cleared up and Mavenore returned as well… but he iss sstill not fully free of Sgrios plotss. It would sseem Sgrios has convinced Mavenore that he is right!”

“Now I have to decide how to sstop Mavenore from willingly involving himself in ssuch foolishness.”

“Mavenore is alwayss bringing me trouble it sseems. He iss my besst friend though. We have been through many good timess… and many dark timess…”

“We have laughed and found comfort in one another…”

“We have stubbornly fought one another… at times with a fiery fury and at other times with a coldness that was nearly beyond endurance.”

“I think we have over time found our balance together though. We have come to understand and accept our differences as well as the things that bind us together. We have through the joys and pain made the other a better person I think.”

“Mavenore iss no dragon. But his iss my brother and always sshall be.”

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