The voice diary of the whelpling Rublestrasza(hissing intentional).
“Yessterday wass… heartwrenching… though not really all that unexpected.”
“We gathered at Moonglade for the wedding of Eon and Mavenore. The green dragon Nomaura officiated and though I was a little late I was there as Best Woman!”
“It was a very majestic location and Eon was truly lovely standing there in the glow of the Moonwell. Mav’s brother Adiros was there and Dragonsworn member Perianna was there as a witness (she’s always interested in alien customs).”
“We had everything except a groom.”
“Possibly you can ssee where thiss sstory iss going.”
“After a long and awkward wait Mavenore finally arrived. The ceremony began and Eon swore herself to Mavenore and it was then hiss turn…”
“That’ss where thingss went wrong.”
“Mavenore couldn’t do it… his guilt at ‘abandoning’ his dead wife and moving on to another love… even after sseven yearss… was jusst too much for him. He felt he couldn’t be true to Eon by marrying her. That sshe deserved better.”
“He told uss that and then he left. Jusst like that.”
“Nomaura, Perianna, and I all ran to comfort Eon of coursse while Adiros went after hiss brother. I told them about what had happened at the Thelsamar graveyard lasst night and the troubless Mav wass having while doing my besst to assure Eon he would come back to her after he had worked through thingss.”
“Adiros came back a sshort while later announcing that Mav wouldn’t be coming back."
“Yeaaaah, thanks Adiros.”
“He went on to call Mav a coward for not comforting Eon himself. There was much conversation after that about how besst to deal with things including a brilliant and bold plan by mysself that was eventually rejected after much careful consideration (it really wass a good plan if I do ssay sso myself).”
“Eventually Eon went to stay with Nomaura for the night and I went after Mav. We had a long talk which wass much like the one we had the night before. I’m ssure now that Mav has never mourned his Nyara’s death, merely rushing headlong into battle after battle to escape his pain. For him it might as well as have happened yessterday.”
“Hiss memories of Nyara are daggers twissting in his heart when they sshould be treasured memories. He must mourn her… face these emotionss headlong… or he will never know peace.”
“Meanwhile Eon waits… and hopes…”
“Life-Binder will that it iss not in vain.”
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