Friday, August 27, 2010

Wyrmhearth happenings 2

Originally posted to the DSC website on July 27th, 2010.

Another busy night at the Wyrmhearth last Saturday. Highlights included Leon truly taking his place as a Dragonsworn member, even submitting himself to "unmasking" when in the presence of his Matron and burning his Scarlet Crusade tabard.

Meanwhile Ishuzugosa dealt with the after-effects of the death of her Flight's Aspect: Malygos with her apathy toward the world only growing. Though the Dragonsworn tried to comfort her their efforts were in vain. Leon Rosette tried to engage her in another way, angering her and driving her to attack him in an attempt to make her fight... for anything. This worked too well and nearly saw the end of the Paladin at the hands of the blue drake.

Leon is expected to recover. Probably.

What will happen next week? Attend and find out: Saturday at 8pm!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sapphire Fury Pt. 13: Assault on the Nexus

Originally posted to the DSC website on July 27th, 2010.

EndGame At the beginning of March the DSC began it's Nexus War storyline. On Wed, July 21st that story came to it's final climax as the armies of the Red Dragonflight, the Kirin Tor, and the Dragonsworn Council launched an all out assault on the Nexus in an effort to bring down Malygos the Spell-Weaver.

Assembling at Amber Ledge the Dragonsworn Council were given their mission briefing by Matron Rublestrasza before setting out to Coldara. Bringing the Spell-Loom that Lexix had taken from Nilligos during the Siege of Wyrmrest Temple the Dragonsworn used the powerful artificat to disrupt the arcane ley lines and denied Malygos their use in the battle. While the forces of the Red Dragonflight and the Kirin Tor distracted the armies of the Blue Dragonflight the Dragonsworn confronted Malygos in a final epic battle where the death knight Lexix brought the Spell-Weaver down at last.

The Nexus War is over.

Thanks go out to everyone who attended who helped make the adventure so memorable: Exziber, Kylatriorna, Lexix (Dragon-Bane!), Ogumel, and Rublestrasza.

However the legacy of the Nexus War lingers on. Will the Blue Dragonflight be able to rebuild and resume their proper duties as given by the Titans? What will be the ultimate fate of Nilligos the Warden who is now in Dragonsworn custody? And will Ishuzugosa ever find peace?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sapphire Fury Pt. 12: The Siege of Wyrmrest

AzureDragonshrineOriginally posted to the DSC website on July 15th, 2010.

Last night the fury of the Spell-Loom was unleashed! Nilligos the Warden led a vast army of the Blue Dragonflight against Wyrmrest Temple itself in an effort to break the Wyrmrest Accord in a single blow and leave the Kirin Tor standing alone in the Nexus War.

Nilligos used the Spell-Loom to redirect the arcane energies of the Azure Dragonshrine against the Life-Binder. Alexstrasza managed to call up a magical shield to protect the Temple from complete destruction, but it took all her power to do so and she could not hold out long. At the same time the Blue Army engaged the forces of the Wyrmrest Accord, who found themselves leaderless, as Korialsrasz was forced to stay focused on his threatened Queen.

In this darkest hour the Dragonsworn Council flew into the battle, their new enchanted battle banner flying in the wind. As the armies clashed the Dragonsworn were able to hit the Azure Dragonshrine from the flank. Battling through Nilligos' personal guard, they finally reached the elder wyrm himself just as the Temple's shields collapsed and the Life-Binder's powers failed, leaving her at the mercy of the Spell-Loom's power.

Considering the Dragonsworn beneath his notice Nilligos froze them in place using the Spell-Loom and then flew to the Temple to take capture of kill the Life-Binder. Chasing after the elder wyrm the Dragonsworn arrived at Wyrmrest Temple to find it's defenders spent and lying helpless against Nilligos' judgment.

But even the mightiest among the great powers can be brought low by the smallest among us.

Striking as Nilligos was distracted the gnomish death knight Lexix death gripped the Spell-Loom out of the dragon's hands and into her own... turning the Spell-Loom against it's master!

Even with the artifact's power on the side of the Council the battle was long and difficult and nearly destroyed the entire core of the Dragonsworn. None of the defenders escaped unscathed and many were gravely injured, including Matron Rublestrasza.

The battle came down to each breath... any moment could bring victory or defeat... and even the fates could not know the outcome of this epic confrontation.

AMomentsRestFinally the powers of the Spell-Loom, the rallying magics of the Dragonsworn Banner, and the sheer stubborness of the Council prevailed forcing Nilligos to try to retreat... only to be brought down at last as he fled.

Rather than face execution Nilligos surrendered himself into the custody of the Dragonsworn. Being bound to his gnomish form by Korialstrasz, Nilligos is now in Dragonsworn custody. After a year and a half the Siege of Wyrmrest Temple is over at long last!

However, despite this monumental victory the Nexus War is not won. For waiting in the Nexus is Malygos himself. Until he is defeated the Dragonsworn cannot know peace.

Meanwhile... what will become of Nilligos and Ishuzugosa as those who keep them move against the Aspect of Magic himself? The Nexus War storyline comes to a final end next week! Hope to see you there!

Thanks to all those who attended this week and made this event so epic: Exziber, Lexix, Kylartriona, Ogumel, Rublestrasza, Steelshatter, and Wayhelm.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sapphire Fury Pt. 11

180px-Wyrmrest_Temple Originally posted to the DSC website on June 12th, 2010 as the intro to the penultimate adventure in our Nexus War storyline.

Korialstrasz surveyed the battlefield from the top of Wyrmrest Temple just as he did every day since the siege of Wyrmrest Temple had begun months ago. The blue assault seemed weaker than usual... were they running out of drakes to throw against the Accord at long last?

Tragic but it offered an opportunity.

"It is time we take the Sapphire Dragonshrine! Press the attack!" Korialstrasz bellowed to his draconic army.
The red drakes and elder wyrms were no longer merely in a defensive posture, but instead leaped forward to the attack. Korialstrasz watched with both sadness and satisfaction as the blues seemed to melt away, the survivors falling back even as the reds pushed forward.

Suddenly Korialstrasz felt the hairs on the back of his shape-shifted form stand up on end. Something was wrong... then he spotted it, a very large, blue scaled wyrm and from it Korialstrasz sensed... the Spell-Loom!

"Titan's preserve uss... it'ss a trap!" Korialstrasz cried out.

The air of Dragonblight cackled with arcane power as the blue wyrm Nilligos seemed to suck in the magic pouring from the Sapphire Dragonshrine directly by using the Spell-Loom, drinking it in... and then unleashing it on the helpless reds.
"Fall back!" Korialstrasz screamed but it was already too late. Scores of red dragons and wyrms were falling from the air as Nilligos unleashed the full fury of the Spell-Loom.

Even as a few stragglers made it back to the Temple Korialstrasz knew they no longer had the numbers to hold the Temple even without taking into account the Spell-Loom's awesome power.

Then the sound of multiple portals ripping holes in the fabric of reality could be heard. As Korialstrasz looked on in horror blue dragons of all types began filling the skies of the Dragonblight in numbers unheard of. This must be at least half the forces guarding Coldara Korialstrasz realized as with a sinking heart he knew Malygos was going all-in with this assault.

Korialstrasz turned, already trying to think of a way to force his Queen and consort Alexstrasza to flee... while she still could.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wyrmhearth Tavern happenings.

Originally posted to the DSC website on July 11th, 2010.

HildwynCaught A eventful evening could be found at the Wyrmhearth Tavern last night. A seemingly constant stream of people came and went while the Dragonsworn Council itself had a strong presence with both new memembers and long-time members who had lately returned attending.

New member Exziber, the sometimes night elven druid, sometimes shape-shifted ogre signed up to become the Wyrmhearth's new bouncer. Meanwhile the orb of the black dragonflight was brought by Jaara and given over to Dragonsworn custody. The orb's previous owner is expected to make a full recovery from it's corrupting influence.

The missing druid Mavenore, often a decoration of the Wyrmhearth's mantle in kitty form, made his return, having escaped the clutches of the troll priest that had been holding him for some weeks.

The big news of the night however was the return of Archmage Vargoth's staff which had been stolen last week from the Dragonsworn's vault below the Wyrmhearth. The thief, a dwarven woman named Hildwyn, returned the staff after it kept... talking to her. Apparently the staff is quite annoying. After a stern speech from Matron Rublestrasza Hildwyn understood the seriousness of her mistake and it's negative effect on the Nexus War in the north. The imprisoned Arch-Mage Vargoth continues to be the Dragonsworn's only contact within the Nexus. Hildwyn is currently indentured to the Wyrmhearth Tavern as her punishment.

The night wrapped up with an injured woman arriving in the need of healing, and a heated arguement between a Paladin of the Scarlet Crusade and the Argent Crusade. Hope versus cynisism? Light versus a bloody grey?

As always anything can happen at the Wyrmhearth and often does! We hope to see YOU next Saturday at 8pm.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Ruby Dragonshrine is liberated!

Originally posted to the DSC website on July 11th, 2010.

One and a half years ago the sacred Ruby Dragonshrine located near Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight was occupied by the souless minions of the Scourge. There they used their fel necromatic magics to raise emberwyrms from the fallen of the Red Dragonflight.

This could not be allowed to stand.

Last Wednesday the Dragonsworn Council assembled at the gates of Wyrmrest Temple and set out into occupied territory to find the Ruby's Heart. Once the center of the Ruby Dragonshrine it had been corrupted by the Scourge. Restoring it would open the way to a massive aerial assault by the Red Dragonflight.. and the liberation of the Ruby Dragonshrine.

Fighting their way through geists, abomonations, necromancers, and the death knight Orbaz Bloodbane the Dragonsworn were able to cleanse the Ruby Heart and call forth the wrath of the Red Dragonflight... the Ruby Dragonshrine has been liberated!

The following Dragonsworn have the thanks of not only Matron Rublestrasza but of Alexstrasza the Life-Binder herself: Exziber, Leonrosette, Lexix, Rublestrasza, Sark, and Turk. Aiding the Dragonsworn were Jaara and Perianna, the later of which joined the Dragonsworn at the end of the adventure. Thanks to everyone who attended and made the event so much fun! And extra thanks to Turkmuzan who GM'ed the adventure this week!


Saturday, August 21, 2010


Originally posted to the DSC website on June 23rd, 2010.

A secret meeting transpired between Nilligos the Warden and Ishuzu, sometimes known as Ishuzugosa. His attempt to bring her back into the fold of the Blue Dragonflight found an unsuspected snag when he discovered that Ruby's previous attempt to convince Ishuzu that mortals weren't so bad only convinced her instead that dragons were just as guilty!

Sometimes even failure can lead to success it seems. However though defeated in this attempt to gain an edge agains the Dragonsworn Nilligos still has possession of the Spell-Loom and some sort of offensive is expected soon.


Supply Run

Originally posted to the DSC website on June 23rd, 2010.

Dragonsworn supplies that were being stored in the Wyrmhearth have recently gone missing! Hatchling Sark led the investigation which led to a cave in Loch Modan guarded by Dark Iron Dwarves! He summoned the help of Ishuzu, Turk Muzan, and Rublestrasza and together the Dragonsworn confronted the Dark Irons and uncovered the master they were hired out to.. a blue drake!

After a tough battle the Dragonsworn managed to slay the Dark Irons and the Blue Drake and recaptured the supplies.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Sapphire Fury Pt. 10

SarkVictory Originally posted to the DSC website on June 11, 2010 and written by Turkmuzan the official loremaster of the Dragonsworn Council.

Yet another entry in “Chronicling the Dragonsworn Council For Mortals – Korialstrasz” is written:

June 10th, in the King’s Year 625

Entry Chronicling Activities of the Dragonsworn Council, currently led by Ruby Astherion.

The Dragonsworn have recovered their matron. We are all pleased to hear of the dedication and loyalty the Dragonsworn have shown to one of our own flight. However, they have lost sight of their greatest prize: the Spell Loom.

The Dragonsworn began in their guild hall. Assembled were Anthus Steelshatter, Sark Black, Moralynn Reid, Lexix Extinction, Biorn Wildbraid, Rhune Astherion, and Turk Muzan. Upon leaving their guild hall, the dragonsworn returned to the mouth of Blackrock Mountain, and spotted some fresh wagon tracks heading to the north. Following the tracks, the dragonsworn came upon a sundry-laden wagon driven by a goblin and stuck with a broken wheel. They decided to help the goblin repair his wheel in exchange for some information regarding his destination. In fact, he was fulfilling a delivery to Garren Flametongue.

The goblin was persuaded to allow several of the party to masquerade as his guard as he delivered the supplies to the camp to ascertain whether Ruby was in the camp. Rhune, Anthus, Sark, and Lexix were unknown to Garren, so they were the members who accompanied the Goblin. The signal was given to the others, who were hiding on a nearby rise when Ruby was located, and she was in a feral state. In the camp were Garren, a priest, and two iron golems. The party was unable to acquire Ruby from Garren at any price. Garren and his companions were suspicious of the guards, and on the arrival of the rest of the party, the Flametongue began the attack.

The golems were first to fall, and Garren was seriously injured by Biorn, Sark, and Anthus. Anthus was able to pick the lock on the cage holding Ruby, and she was too emaciated to flee. Lexix and Turk kept the priest at bay, but Garren went into the cage with Ruby, holding a knife to her and shielding himself with her body. Unable to negotiate Garren's surrender, the party seemed at a standstill. Turk failed to offer himself in exchange for Ruby, and no attack could be pressed because of the danger to Ruby. At that point, the Druid Mavenore showed up and roared mightily at Garren, startling him into dropping Ruby and fleeing. Mora healed Ruby enough to bring her to some semblance of awareness, and seeing the situation, she attacked Garren and tore his throat out. The priest fled, and was able to escape. She was not pursued.

The party then took Ruby back to the Wyrmhearth, and she was able to recover a little that evening when presented with familiar things.

The Spell Loom is still at large. I am certain that by now, Nilligos has it in his possession. Whatever he is planning, it is very troubling.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sapphire Fury Pt. 9

DarkFlirtation Originally posted to the DSC website on June 4th, 2010 and written by Turkmuzan the official loremaster of the Dragonsworn Council.

You find another entry in “Chronicling the Dragonsworn Council For Mortals– Korialstrasz” penned by the Life-Binders Majordomo as follows:

June 4th, in the King’s Year 625

Entry Chronicling Activities of the Dragonsworn Council, currently led by Ruby Astherion.

Paladin Muzan's report gave us relief. In short, the dragonsworn think they have found the area where Ruby Astherion is being held and are currently planning an assault on the Dark Iron dwarves led by Garren Flametongue.

Rhune Astherion, Ruby's adoptive human father, was able to uncover information that led the dragonsworn to the depths of the mountain, to the Grim Guzzler tavern. After questioning some of the staff, the mortals were able to ascertain Ruby's location. They obtained this information from a goblin named Ribbly they bribed in Blackrock Mountain.

Disturbingly, Turk mentioned that he tried to "... judge Ribbly for his crimes, but [his] companions overwhelmed and detained [Turk]." Present in the effort were Rhune, Lexix, Biorn, Moralynn, and Turk, and all of the other four "...made efforts to curtail [his] just and holy pursuit of retribution." To avoid confusion, let it be known that violence against cooperative or uncooperative informants is not condoned by us. Paladin Muzan will also hear this from me directly when I pen my response to his report. Biorn, as acting leader, is going to be instructed to take disciplinary action as well. We will not allow such acts to be carried out in our name.

We are interested to see of what these dragonsworn are made, now that they are on the line for such an important task.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sapphire Fury Interlude III

TwoHearts Originally posted to the DSC website on May 28th, 2010 and written by the typist of Anthus Steelshatter the beloved of Rublestrasza.

"My poor Ruby..."

The rogue sat in his apartment, amidst the dust and memories. Holding his Runestone in his hands, he fiddled with it for minutes at a time.

"Your sire failed you, my dear. I should have been there... I could have defended you." He puts his head in one hand, speaking into his private connection to her. He wasn't expecting any response... but he hoped she'd hear his voice. "You know I'm coming for you, Ruby. I'll save you."

He rises to his feet, attaching the Runestone to the collar of his shirt. Slipping on his breastplate and spaulders, he snatches his daggers from the table.

"Now to find you."

Sapphire Fury Pt. 8

DSCFlag3 Originally posted to the DSC website on May 28th, 2010 and written by Turkmuzan the official loremaster of the Dragonsworn Council.

After a week, the latest entry in “Chronicling the Dragonsworn Council For Mortals– Korialstrasz” is penned by the Life-Binders Majordomo as follows:

May 28th, in the King’s Year 625

Entry Chronicling Activities of the Dragonsworn Council, currently led by Ruby Astherion.

We are disappointed with the lack of progress the dragonsworn have made in recovering the Spell-Loom, and the implications that arise from its ownership by Nilligos. We are also growing worried for the safety of Ruby Astherion, since no progress has been made in the effort to recover her as well. As the sun sets each day, the likelihood of her safe recovery wanes. If this continues, at some point we will have to direct the dragonsworn to halt the search. However, as events in the Nexus war proceed through them, their efforts are best left to their choosing.

On a side note, this report came much more coherent, if detached and entirely factual. Paladin Muzan seems to have regained his composure, and he apologized in this report for the state of his previous correspondence. Not surprisingly, Rhune Astherion has joined Ruby's dragonsworn and is lending his power to the search for Ruby.

We are quite interested to see how this unfolds, as the Bronze remains silent, as usual, on the subject.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sapphire Fury Interlude II

Rhuneblog Vereesa Windrunner,

I must hereby take a leave of absence from the Kirin Tor and the Silver Covenant for the foreseeable future. I will be joining the Dragonsworn Council in their efforts to rescue *scratched out* Ruby */scratched out* Matron Rublestrasza from the talons of the Blue Dragonflight.

I am sorry for the short notice but my efforts on their behalf will only strengthen our alliance with the Red Dragonflight.
If I survive this war intact I will of course take any punishment you deem proper.

-Rhune Astherion

Rhune rolled up the parchment and handed it to a Kirin Tor apprentice who would deliver it to it's final destination. He would already be gone from Dalaran by the time it did.

"I have lost enough recently. I will lose nothing else. I will have my dragon back."

And with that Rhune Astherion called upon the surrounding ley lines and was gone... teleported to Iron Forge... and beyond... Wyrmhearth Tavern.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sapphire Fury Interlude I

AmarawithNilligos Originally posted to the DSC website on May 22nd, 2010

Reward Doubled for the Fugitive Amarestine the Traitor!

The Matron of the Dragonsworn Council has been taken by mercenaries working for the Blue Dragonflight. The only lead to her whereabouts is the woman who brokered the deal between the forces of Malygos and the Dark Iron mercenaries... the freelancer rogue Amarestine!

As a consequence the reward for Amarestine's capture is now doubled if Matron Rublestrasza is returned alive to us as a consequence of the rogue's capture.

*a finely rendered drawing of Amarestine is included... finally*

The Dragonsworn Council can be contacted at Wyrmhearth Tavern in Thelsamar, Loch Modan.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sapphire Fury Pt. 7

NilligosatStoneCairne Originally posted to the DSC website on May 21st, 2010 and written by Turkmuzan the official loremaster of the Dragonsworn Council.

You begin to read the latest entry from the journal entitled “Chronicling the Dragonsworn Council For Mortals– Korialstrasz”:

May 20th, in the King’s Year 625

Entry Chronicling Activities of the Dragonsworn Council, currently led by Ruby Astherion
The latest report has arrived, penned in an unfamiliar hand, and signed by an unfamiliar name. Ruby had informed me of this change to her council, so I read Paladin Turk Muzan’s report on the latest developments in their prosecution of the Nexus War. The current state troubles me greatly, and I fear for Ruby’s safety. Yet that also pales in light of the development that Nilligos is likely to have acquired the Spell-Loom. Turk’s report seems disjoint and is at times nearly incomprehensible, but this is what I have gathered:

Ruby has announced a bounty on a human female by the name of Amarestine, whom she wished to interrogate. Moralynn Reid has been promoted to a rank of “Elder,” which gives her some measure of responsibility to the dragonsworn. She has been given the responsibility to keep the tavern/guildhall of the dragonsworn running. Biorn has also been promoted, and has been given charge of combat. Turk Muzan has been given the title Loremaster, and is charged to pen and deliver reports of the dragonsworn’s actions. All of these decisions were made known to us prior to their announcement. No objections were noted.

Ruby tasked the dragonsworn to permanently close the portal the Blues were opening on the island in Stone Cairn Lake. The clear intent of this portal was to transport a sizeable army of dragonkin and blue dragonsworn held in the thrall of Malygos, and “rescind the gifts of the arcane from the mortals,” according to Nilligos (through Turk). Ruby was summoned to Aerie Peak for an urgent meeting, and she left the assault on the island to the remaining dragonsworn. Present were Biorn, Moralynn, Lexix, and Turk.

A battle was fought on the island, and the drakonid summoner attempting to open the portal was slain, closing the portal. Next, they began to engage Nilligos, who was harrying the party through the attack on the summoner. They were certainly undermanned for the encounter with an elder Blue, but they fought bravely until they heard Ruby’s distress through their Wyrmstones (note that these stones are carried by all of Ruby’s dragonsworn and enable them to communicate verbally over great distances). Upon hearing this, Nilligos taunted the party, calling their efforts a waste of time, and ultimately Biorn called a retreat from Nilligos in order to assist their besieged Matron. It is unclear whether the closure is permanent, but at minimum, they have delayed the army’s invasion. The mission was probably a success, but our Bronzes would tell us that it is always too early to know anything until it happens. Lexix bravely volunteered to remain behind and distract Nilligos to delay his arrival at Aerie Peak; an act for which she should be commended. The remainder of the party went to the Hinterlands to assist the defense of the Spell-Loom.

Upon their arrival, it became clear fairly quickly that the battle was over. They were joined by the mage Ishuzu, who also heard Ruby’s distress and came to help. The dwarves guarding the keep were found slain, except one who indicated that the assault originated from underground. The party descended into the keep, and found out that a group of Dark Iron Dwarves had assaulted it and taken the Spell-Loom. Much to their dismay, the party found no sign of Ruby, save her monocle. We remain hopeful that she is alive, and we will get to see her again. During a search of the heart of the keep, where the dwarves and Ruby made their last stand, the party was attacked by a new team of Dark Iron Dwarves. From the report, Turk writes that

“Four were purged by the Light, and the Flametongue clan’s fate is sealed. They shall all be brought to Justice at my hand. One named Garren fled back underground, where the Light’s Retribution could not reach him. I beg your forgiveness for my failure; I will not let him survive our next encounter.”

The dragonsworn were able to capture and interrogate one of the Flametongue, presumably the fourth, who gave them the name of Amarestine as the one who brokered the deal to hire them to kidnap Ruby and steal the Spell-Loom. It would appear that after giving this information, Turk slew the dwarf. For one sworn in service to the Life-Binder, this worries us. “I was able to cleanse the soldier after he gave this information,” he wrote, “and we begin with renewed vigor our search for Amarestine. I will paint the halls of the Wyrmhearth with her blood for what she has done.” That last sentence he had scratched out, but I was able to decipher it. As I said, we are worried about him. It is curious that Ruby chose Turk for her Loremaster.

Above all we worry for Ruby’s safety and the safety of all mortals. This development is troublesome. We will send word to Biorn, acting as leader in Ruby’s absence, if we can assist.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sapphire Fury Pt. 6


Originally posted to the DSC website on May 19th, 2010 (it was late).

On the night of April 28th the Wyrmrest Accord intercepted a message from Coldara to Blue Dragonflight forces in Azshara to be on the lookout for an escaped prisoner of great importance in their area. The Dragonsworn Council was dispatched to Azshara to retrieve the escapee before the Blue's could recapture him.

Undergoing this dangerous assignment were the following Dragonsworn: Amikaria, Biorn, Dagin, Leonrosette, Lexix, Turkmuzan, and Rublestrasza.
A search through the forests and ancient ruins of the area did indeed turn up the escaped prisoner, an apprentice mage of the Kirn Tor, but it also turned up a deadly Chimaera that had decided to make the mage his dinner!

The Chimaera was chased off, but during the return trip the Dragonsworn were ambushed by a Blue Dragonkin search party. The Dragonsworn Council were caught in the open while the Dragonkin were hidden in the woods and we took a great deal of damage during the opening of the battle. To make matters worse the Chimaera returned to sow chaos and snapped up the Matron of the Dragonsworn herself in an effort to get a free meal!

Yeah... that means me.

It wasn't pleasant.

At all.

So there I was clutched in the claws of the Chimaera. What did our brave and fearless Leon Rosette do? He threw his shield at the beast... but unfortunately his aim was less than true and he hit me in the face!

I'm still bruised. Sometimes I think mortal form isn't worth the trouble.
Biorn and the escaped prisoner hid behind the roots of an ancient tree... he seemed to think they would provide some cover but the Dragonkin seemed to disagree on that theory... their withering fire of arcane missles proved to be too much for such weak cover. At that point Biorn decided the best defense was a good offense... well... more a straight up bear charge.

Our new shaman Amikara kept us from faltering, her healing energies restoring us somewhat, but even Amikara was hard pressed to keep us up against so many enemies.

Lexix, our gnomish death knight was punted... literally punted... by a Dragonkin. You never think it will happen to you... till it does. You should have seen the look on her face when she went sailing by.

Dagin tried to bring the Chimaera down but the beast avoided the attack and used the only projectile it had at hand to return fire... ME! I went tumbling into Dagin and we were both knocked down and winded.

Finally our superior numbers and the healing powers of Amikara began to tell and the tide slowly began to turn. Lexix gained her revenge by downing one Dragonkin, while Leon slew the other. Biorn managed to slay their leader, a dragonspawn mageweaver. Finally the Chimaera could take no more against the combined might of the

Dragonsworn Council and was taking down by a killing blow by Dagin.
Returning to the Wyrmhearth after the battle we discovered that the apprentie's master, Archmage Vargoth, was still in the hands of the Blue Dragonflight, imprisoned deep within the Nexus. An enchanted staff the apprentice was carrying would allow us to communicate with him... if we could manage to find a way to power it.

I think the intelligence Archmage Vargoth has of the Nexus could be invaluable. The Dragonsworn will be pursuing this lead with vigor.

More reports as events warrant.

-Rublestrasza, Matron of the Dragonsworn.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sapphire Fury Pt. 5


Originally posted to the DSC website on May 19th, 2010 (it was late).

On the night of April 14th a daring commando raid by the Dragonsworn Council liberated Azora Tower from the blue magus Nerath, capturing the mage in the process! Not only has this robbed Nilligos of his second-in-command, it may very well lead us to discovering just what it is the Spell-Loom is capable of if the mage can be "convinced" to part with the information.

Valiantly taking part in the battle were: Amikaria, Biorn, Dagin, Indii, Leonrosette, Moralynn, and Turkmuzan. The Wyrmrest Accord should thank each of them for their heroic efforts in the Nexus War.

Even as the Dragonsworn Council interrogated it's new prisoner the forces of Nilligos launched an all out assault on the Wyrmhearth to break that prisoner out! As the Battle of Wyrmhearth raged outside the freelance spy known as Amarestine used the distraction to free the prisoner herself. Caught between the blue dragonflight forces on one flank and Amarestine and the mage known as Nerath on the other, the battle was almost lost!

NoEscape The Dragonsworn managed to rally at the last moment (not to mention get really lucky) and slay Nerath just as he was on the verge of escape, sending the forces of Nilligos into full retreat. Amarestine is currently on the run and wanted by the Dragonsworn Council.

The following valiant Dragonsworn took part in the Battle of Wyrmehearth: Amikaria, Biorn, Dagin, Dubb, Indii, Lexix, Moralynn, and Turkmuzan.

Repairs to the Wyrmhearth Tavern are underway. Unfortunately our resident engineer has gone missing and new security measures are not in place. We have begun a search for our missing Elliat.

-Rublestrasza, Matron of the Dragonsworn Council.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sapphire Fury Pt. 4


Originally posted to the DSC website on May 19th, 2010 (it was late).


I apologize for the lack of reports of late. Nilligos has harried us quite well and I have much to catch you up on.

On the night of April 2nd a council of war was held at the Wyrmhearth Tavern and it was decided the powerful Spell-Loom must be taken to Aerie Peak as the nearly insurmountable defenses of the fortress will help to keep it out of the Blue Dragonflight's hands while we begin to unlock the artifact's secrets and discover a way to defeat Nilligos the Warden.

The Dragonsworn sent a strong protective escort to keep the Spell-Loom safe while in transit: Biorn, Elliat, Indii, Leonrosette, Lyryll, Moralynn, Turkmuzan, and Rublestrasza.

As the Dragonsworn flew on gryphon back toward Aerie Peak they were intercepted by a group of blue dragons led by an elder wrym. A fierce battle ensued and the Dragonsworn were shot down one by one. A long game of cat and mouse through the forests and fields of Hillsbrad ensued until finally the blue drakes trapped the Dragonsworn in the final pass to Aerie Peak itself! The Dragonsworn's valiant stand there killed or forced the remaining dragons to retreat and the Spell-Loom was finally secured in the Wildhammer fortress.

We believe this had bought us time but we also knew that Nilligos would not have given up.

-Rublestrasza, Matron of the Dragonsworn Council.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sapphire Fury Pt. 3


Originally posted to the DSC website on March 30th, 2010.


I hope you and her Majesty are well and that the war in the north is not taxing you both too much. The war here in the south is beginning to heat up and much has happened here so I will get straight to my report.

The Dragonsworn Council gathered at Westbrooke Garrion in Elwynn Forest to plan our search for the elder wyrm Nilligos. Promotions were given to Ellliat Shortfuse and Leon Rosette to full dragonsworn and then we settled down to go over intelligence given by SI: 7.

Before we got far however the Garrison came under attack by a platoon of blue dragonkin and mage hunters in the service of Nilligos... the Battle of Westbrooke had begun!

Standing at my side were Dragonsworn Council members Anthus, Biorn, Elliat, and Leon. However facing us was one drakonoid, four dragonspawn, and five mage hunters! The battle looked grim as the dragonkin hit us hard, gravely wounding Biorn and Leon, and Anthus was flung into a tree! Meanwhile the Mage Hunters mercilessly hit us from afar with their spells. I was knocked unconcious during the battle, my wing being nearly broken.

The Dragonsworn Council was about to be broken right then and there...

That is until Indii arrived to reinforce us, hitting the blues from the rear with her area-of-effect spells. Her spells helped bring down the Mage Hunters and Biorn beheaded a dragonspawn. The Drakonoid still had us on the run however until Elliat threw a bowl of her special chilli which splattered all over it's head! Some of the chilli got into it's nostrils and mouth causing it to scream in agony. It ran toward Mirror Lake and we found it drowned there later, apparently it's need for water to douse the chilli rendering it mad.

One Dragonspawn escaped and we chased it in pursuit though Anthus had to carry me such was my wounds. We pursued it to Fargodeep Mine where we found a large group of Snobolds mining a strange blue crystal that practically hummed with magic according to Anthus. Such was it's draw to the mage that I was told it was hard to pull him away.

The snobolds attacked using their mining equipment in the attack. Their numbers were enough on their own to give us a dangerous challenge, there were 10 snobolds in all, but the crane claw and mining digger only made things even more dangerous for us.

I do not think we would have emerged from those mines if Moralynn hadn't found us and lent her healing magics, reinvigorating the group. This helped to turn the tide though it was a very near thing indeed.

Pressing on we emerged from the Fargodeep Mine through a long passage and found ourselves outside the entrance of Jasperlode Mine! We had travelled underneath the breadth of Elwynn Forest!

We hid as overhead we heard the flapping of wings and the roar of a dragon. In the distance we could hear the rough voices of dragonkin. We had found Nilligos' base in Elwynn Forest. Our wounds were too great however to press on. We took the intel we had gained and we withdrew to prepare our assault.

Now I have called a council of war to make use of the information we have gathered. We must decide how best to take on Nilligos and to protect the Spell-Loom.

More reports as events warrant.

-Rublestrasza, Matron of the Dragonsworn Council.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sapphire Fury Pt. 2


Originally posted to the DSC website on March 22d, 2010.


The Dragonsworn Council has completed it's second mission for the Accord: an expedition to recover a powerful magical artifact called the Spell-Loom which may be instrumental in ending the Nexus War. On behalf of our allies in the Kirin Tor we penetrated the defenses of the warlock coven that operates out of the Slaughtered Lamb tavern in Stormwind. The leader of the coven was killed and most of it's members fled from our attack. Dostya "Gun Bunny" stayed behind to guard our exit. With the coven defeated we decended into the crypts beneath the city.

There we encountered an animated stone face in the wall that spoke to us... apparently it was some kind of ancient alarm system that no longer had a purpose. The poor thing was lonely and when Temlin offered to keep it company once a week it told our operatives what it knew about the crypts defenses.
Deeper into the crypts they found a mana wyrm in a room filled lit by blue torches. At first it seemed friendly until the mages Anthus and Temlin got too close to it. Then it tried to drain the magic from them! Luckily Tilby from the Bronze Wing managed to trap it in his... hat.

He still has the mana wyrm. Maybe it will come in handy one day.
Then Lyryll discovered that one of the torches was a sort of switch and when turned the torches turned red in color. At first our operatives thought they were in immient danger but nothing seemed to happen.

Moving on they accidently triggered a trap, even with the warnings of the animated stone face who had told them of it ahead of time. Leon Rosette found himself paralyized by a beam of light that came from the ceiling... his energy slowly being drained from him. Turk tried to save him but got caught in the beam himself and became ensared as well. Tilby was able to walk through the beam unharmed, perhaps because of the mana wyrm or perhaps just because he isn't... techically... alive. Temlin got caught as well before Lryrll came up with a creative solution with a coffin lid that allowed them to push everyone through.

They found themselves with a choice then. To their left was a stairway down but the way was blocked by some sort of purple mana shield. Straight ahead of them was another passage. Tilby went straight for the mana shield and passed through it unharmed. Unfortunately the barrier prevented the passage of anyone else and they found they could now neither see nor hear Tilby.

Tilby found himself facing a warlock and a voidwalker. Though he was able to dispatch the warlock the void walker seemed beyond his abilities. Tilby was left to face it alone.
Meanwhile unable to pass through the mana shield the others continued down the second passage. There they found an imp. At first it seemed they could negotiate with it but diplomacy soon broke down. It attacked and called upon a swarm of flame puppets from the next room.

With Tilby nearly overwhelmed by the void walker and the main group under assault by the imp and it's minions the outcome was very much in doubt.

Lryrll and Temlin kept the fire puppets back, Moralynn used her healing energies to keep the party alive, and Leon and Turk killed the imp by decapating it. With the imp's death the fire puppets dissolved and the battle was over. In the room beyond the imp's they found another room lit by strange torches... red. One of these was a switch as well and upon turning it the fires turned purple.

Turning back to the stairway they found the mana shield gone. It would seem blue torches plus red torches mean a deactivated purple mana shield.
They also found Tilby running hurriedly back to their position with a VERY powerful Void Walker hot his his heels.

Leon, Turk, and Lryrll moved to engage the demon in close quarters while Moralynn attempted to keep them invigorated once again and Temlin hit it at range. Leon was wounded in the battle and Turk was grabbed by the demon and used as a living shield.
It was at this point Turk was wounded by his overzealous companions.

And wounded again.

And again.

Eventually, though perhaps not soon enough in Turk's opinion, they managed to strike a blow against the eyes of the void walker forcing it to drop Turk on the ground after which they were finally able to dispatch the demon.

Returning to the room the void walker was guarding they discovered the Spell-Loom waiting for them. It too was guarded by a mana shield but with his mana wyrm companion Tilby had no trouble passing through unharmed and retrieving it.

Making their way our of the crypts and the Slaughtered Lamb they tended to their wounds. Tilby refused to give the Spell-Loom over to Nillian Fizzlefury, the Kirin Tor represenative who accompanied them on the mission, and Nillian grew angry. Transforming into an elder blue dragon he attempted to take the Spell-Loom by force.
It would seem that Nillian Fizzlefury is actually Nilligos the Warden, a very powerful dragon in the service of the Blue Dragonflight. Yes, we almost delivered the magical artifact that might end this war... right into the enemies hands!

Luckily he wasn't ready to take on our entire force and was forced to flee in the direction of Elwynn Forest. We had managed to retain possession of the Spell-Loom but we have no idea what it does or how to use it. However I refuse to trust it to the Kirin Tor as they were so easily fooled by Nilligos.

We shall have to discover Nilligos' plan and just what the Spell-Loom is on our own. To that end I am putting together a mission in an attempt to track Nilligos down.
May the Life-Binder bless our efforts.

-Rublestrasza, Matron of the Dragonsworn Council

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sapphire Fury Pt. 1

Nilligos Originally posted to the DSC website on March 10th, 2010.

Dear Matron Rublestrasza of the Dragonsworn Council,

As the Nexus War begins to turn in our favor and the forces of Malygos begin to falter we must look toward dealing with the Aspect of Magic himself. In his own domain he is nearly invulnerable however as he has altered the world's ley lines to converge upon the Nexus giving access to immense power even in comparison to what he would usually be capable of.

The Kirin Tor/Wyrmrest Accord alliance must nullify this advantage before we can continue.
Deep in the tombs of Stormwind lies the resting place of Nielas Aran, once the court conjurer for Stormwind and the father of Medivh. Entombed with him is the Spell Loom, a magical amulet of ancient origin that once beloned to the High Elves. We believe this amulet's unique properties will help us bring the war against Malygos the Spell-Weaver to a close.

Such a powerful artifact is not unguarded however. Be wary.

-Nillian Fizzlefury, Magus of the Kirin Tor.

Ruby relaxed against the back of her chair and pondered a moment, her brow winkled in thought. Then she turned and exclaimed: "Anny! Gather the family! Our allies need our help The Dragonsworn Council is on the move!"

Prepare for the Sapphire Fury…


From the beginning of March till the end of June I ran the Sapphire Fury storyline for my guild the Dragonsworn Council. Consisting of GM’ed adventures and more conversational RP during the interludes between those adventures. It has been an epic storyline that spanned from humble beginnings at the Slaughtered Lamb Tavern in Stormwind and reached all the way to the Nexus and an epic confrontation with the Aspect of magic himself: Malygos the Spell-Weaver!

There were of course journals kept of this storyline as it progressed.
First by myself and then later on by Turk Muzan who is the official lorekeeper of the Dragonsworn Council.

Originally posted to the DSC forums these fictional accounts will now be posted to as well. One post a day until the storyline is completed.

I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Matron’s Journal Pt. 2: Distractions

DSCFlag4 Originally posted on the DSC website on May 20th, 2010.

Rublestrasza, Matron of the Dragonsworn Council, sat in her office in the basement of the Wyrmhearth Tavern, a table covered in reports and requisition forms. "Office" being a grand term for a currently unoccupied guest room.

"Why do mortalss make everything sso complicated? Parchment, parchment, parchment! Nothing but parchment!" Ruby sighed to herself. "I thought when the Life-Binder gave me thiss job I'd jusst tell people what to do and they'd do it. Humph!"

Ruby could smell the Hot Dragon Wings cooking in the kitchen upstairs and knew Mora had begun the business of getting the Wyrmhearth ready for Saturday. Such a blessing that Mora had volunteered to take the reigns of the Wyrmhearth so Ruby could concentrate on her duties as Matron.

Oh how she longed to go upstairs and stick her nose in everything though! Hear the latest gossip of Dragonsworn members and Wyrmhearth guests alike. Help solve their problems, because Life-Binder help them... they NEEDED her.

Only natural of course. For mortals to need guidance of a dragon. The natural order really.

No, no, no... that would have to wait. Parchment first. Then later tonight she could head upstairs... as a guest... and make sure everyone was alright. Relax after a hard day's work.

And maybe ask if Mora had any Strawberry Ice Cream.

Or talbuk.

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Matron’s Journal Pt. 1: Beginnings


Originally posted to the DSC website on March 22nd, 2010.

Star Ruby recording: March 22nd, 28th ADP (After the Dark Portal)

"Thiss iss my official voice journal as Matron of the Dragonsworn Council. Korialstrasz says recording my thoughts and plans for the Council iss very important. And I ssupposse he iss right. What if I sshould fall in battle? Nor sshould time make the memories of our effortss here fade."

"Sso journal I sshall."

"The last three weekss have been hectic. Forming the Dragonsworn Council hass been a lot of work. I'm not sure I could sstay ssane without my beloved Anthus' comfort at the end of each day. We have recruited members, taken over the Wyrmhearth Tavern in Thelsamar as our guild hall, opened the Wyrmhearth to the adventuring community on Saturday's, and completed two missions on behalf of the Accord: the defeat of Omen in Moonglade and the retrieval of the Spell-Loom from the crypts beneath Stormwind."

"We have alsso made an enemy in Nilligos the Warden who works on behalf of Malygos. We sseem to now be fully involved in the Nexus War. I know the men and women we have recruited sshall not falter however."
"Already we have had promotionss. Tilby was promoted to Exarch on behalf of the Bronze Dragonflight and Moralynn, Temlin, and Turk were all promoted to full Dragonsworn."

"Current matterss of concern are tracking down Nilligos, an upcoming mission for the Bronze Dragonflight, and opening the Wyrmhearth again after a week off."

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 28: Guilt in Moonglade


 The voice diary of the whelpling Rublestrasza(hissing intentional).

“Yessterday wass… heartwrenching… though not really all that unexpected.”

“We gathered at Moonglade for the wedding of Eon and Mavenore. The green dragon Nomaura officiated and though I was a little late I was there as Best Woman!”

“It was a very majestic location and Eon was truly lovely standing there in the glow of the Moonwell. Mav’s brother Adiros was there and Dragonsworn member Perianna was there as a witness (she’s always interested in alien customs).”

“We had everything except a groom.”

“Possibly you can ssee where thiss sstory iss going.”

“After a long and awkward wait Mavenore finally arrived. The ceremony began and Eon swore herself to Mavenore and it was then hiss turn…”

“That’ss where thingss went wrong.”

“Mavenore couldn’t do it… his guilt at ‘abandoning’ his dead wife and moving on to another love… even after sseven yearss… was jusst too much for him. He felt he couldn’t be true to Eon by marrying her. That sshe deserved better.”

“He told uss that and then he left. Jusst like that.”

“Nomaura, Perianna, and I all ran to comfort Eon of coursse while Adiros went after hiss brother. I told them about what had happened at the Thelsamar graveyard lasst night and the troubless Mav wass having while doing my besst to assure Eon he would come back to her after he had worked through thingss.”

“Adiros came back a sshort while later announcing that Mav wouldn’t be coming back."

“Yeaaaah, thanks Adiros.”

“He went on to call Mav a coward for not comforting Eon himself. There was much conversation after that about how besst to deal with things including a brilliant and bold plan by mysself that was eventually rejected after much careful consideration (it really wass a good plan if I do ssay sso myself).”

“Eventually Eon went to stay with Nomaura for the night and I went after Mav. We had a long talk which wass much like the one we had the night before. I’m ssure now that Mav has never mourned his Nyara’s death, merely rushing headlong into battle after battle to escape his pain. For him it might as well as have happened yessterday.”

“Hiss memories of Nyara are daggers twissting in his heart when they sshould be treasured memories. He must mourn her… face these emotionss headlong… or he will never know peace.”

“Meanwhile Eon waits… and hopes…”

“Life-Binder will that it iss not in vain.”

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 27: Token of friendship

RubyMavShy The voice diary of the whelpling Rublestrasza(hissing intentional).

“It was another busy night at the Wyrmhearth Tavern. The Horde sstopped by again. I have no idea why they’re so obsessed with our Hot Dragon Wing recipe.” *resigned sigh*

“In happier news the Dragonsworn Council gained a new recruit in Hildwyn. Though sshe has a sshady passt even in relation to the Wyrmhearth Tavern I see much potential in her if her skillss can be given a productive outlet.”

“The big newss of the night however wass that Mavenore and Eon announced they had decided to get married before he completed hiss life-quest!”

“More than that… they want me to host the happy event!”

“Even more than THAT… Mav invited me to his and Eon’s new house in Thelsamar (right across the street from the Wyrmhearth) and gave me a gift. A beautiful rose from the Emerald Dream and then he asked me to be his Best Woman for the wedding!”

“I’m not overly familiar with mortal mating rituals but it sounds really important!”

“He says I’m supposed to carry Eon’s wedding ring… maybe he’ss afraid of thieves or ssomething. Well I’m certainly the best woman to defend it as I’m the fiercest whelpling you’ll find.”

“BEST Woman.”


“I guesss it’ss traditionally a best MAN but I think I’m as fierce in protecting wedding rings as any man could be. Or anyone taller for that matter.”

“I think it really jusst meanss we’re besst friendss though.”

“After I accepted the job of Best Woman I left Mav and Eon alone together. They later returned to the Wyrmhearth and announced they would be getting married TOMORROW!”

“I don’t have any time to prepare! Arrrrrrrrrgh!”

“Despite all thiss I worry about whether Mav will be able to let go of his previous wife Nyara who died in the Battle of Mount Hyjal. It’s been eight years and he still hasn’t truly let her go.”

“I found Mav at the graveyard in Thelsamar after the Wyrmhearth closed and he was holding his old wedding ring. We had a long talk and… I’m sstill worried about all thiss. I hope it turns out alright.”

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 26: Buddies


Dedicated to my real-life best friend who is Mavenore’s typist.

The voice diary of the whelpling Rublestrasza(hissing intentional).

“In recent monthss I’ve become closse friendss with a druid named Mavenore. He’ss Dawsen’ss uncle on the Sidael sside of the Astherion family and hass taken to stopping by the Wyrmhearth Tavern and perching on our mantle place.”

“Don’t ssnicker. If you’ve never tried perching then you can’t know how enjoyable it iss.”

“Somewhere along the way between my trying to teach him proper resspect and hiss trying in his… uh… unique… way to teach me humility we have formed a ssort of sister-brother style bond.”

“Ssomehow hiss way of teaching alwayss involves me ending up drenched in a nearby body of water.” *sighs*

“Anyway… he hass ssomehow taken it into hiss head to make it hiss life-quest to bring peace between the Alliance and the Horde.”

“During thiss quest he hass fallen in love with a Blood Elf magistrix named Eon Manaborne. He has brought her to the Wyrmhearth frequently where I have had a chance to meet her. Sshe sseems quite lovely despite the tensionss between her people and those I have adopted in the Alliance.”

“During one of her initial visitss to the Wyrmhearth sshe and Rhune had an unfortunate misunderstanding about her intentions which led to a bit of a ruckus between Rhune and Mavenore. The bloodletting was minimal.”

“Mavenore can be very… protective it seemss.”

“Mav recently announced that once his life-quest has been achieved he intendss to marry Eon! I of coursse immediately volunteered the Dragonsworn’s services in thiss noble endeavor.”

“After all peace between the Alliance and Horde is something to be sought after.”

“My desire to see more Sidael hatchlings had nothing to do with it.”

“Or would it be kittenss? I’m not ssure how that workss.”

“That’s when matters got complicated. Ssoon after Mavenore was kidnapped by a troll shadow priest named Sgrios who wished to use him in a plot against the Dark Lady Sylvannas. He had ssome delusion that peace between the Horde and the Alliance would weaken both factions and make them vulnerable to some looming darkness.“

“Sgrios intended to use Mavenore to make ssure thiss would not happen. Not only would it discredit Mavenore with the Horde but an Alliance agent trying to assassinate a Horde leader would put an end to any other attemptss.”

“The only information we had is that thiss Sgrios wass often to be found in Silvermoon. I’ve never taken any other form than that of my true form and that of a gnome. But I felt I really had no choice.”

BERuby2 “I studied the blood elven form for a week non-stop before finally making the attempt. If you have never shape-shifted before it iss hard to describe. I picked the gnomish form because it’s weight and balance were mosst comfortable to me. The Blood Elvish form however… they’re so… THIN and TALL. It made me dizzy!”

“I’m not joking. It took me sseveral hourss before I felt like I wouldn’t throw up.”

“Ssomething to do with inner-ear balance.”

“Also… I had no idea how ssensitve an Elf’s earss were. I may need to have Anthus explore that idea at a later date.” *giggles*

*coughs* “Anyway… I journeyed to Silvermoon with Anthus, Eon, and Ishuzugosa my “squire” from the Dragonsworn Council. The guards let us through with no problemss. Thosse came later at a tavern in Silvermoon City when I got in a minor altercation with a troll who was talking about how  he’d fought and killed a red dragon.”

“A Blood Knight named Seana broke uss up before anyone was killed. Sshe wass very sstern and I think I am lucky I did not end up in jail!”

“They take law and order very sseriously in Silvermoon City.”

“We did eventually meet with Eon’s contact and he told uss of many locationss where this Sgrios may have taken Mavenore to be corrupted.”

“Having accomplisshed our mission we left. But there were unseen consequences as apparently the troll from the tavern is an important figure in the Horde military. The Kirin Tor later sent Brantiela to arrest me for questioning!”

“Humph. I remember when the Kirin Tor were wiser.”

“Eventually we got that all cleared up and Mavenore returned as well… but he iss sstill not fully free of Sgrios plotss. It would sseem Sgrios has convinced Mavenore that he is right!”

“Now I have to decide how to sstop Mavenore from willingly involving himself in ssuch foolishness.”

“Mavenore is alwayss bringing me trouble it sseems. He iss my besst friend though. We have been through many good timess… and many dark timess…”

“We have laughed and found comfort in one another…”

“We have stubbornly fought one another… at times with a fiery fury and at other times with a coldness that was nearly beyond endurance.”

“I think we have over time found our balance together though. We have come to understand and accept our differences as well as the things that bind us together. We have through the joys and pain made the other a better person I think.”

“Mavenore iss no dragon. But his iss my brother and always sshall be.”


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