Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Dragon’s Whimsy Pt. 23

RubyMourning A crystalline chime can be heard as the magical star ruby belonging to the whelpling known as Rublestrasza begins recording and the the voice of the dragon herself can be heard:

“Much hass changed ssince my lasst recording. My training is complete and I now fight alongside my kin in the Nexus War. Since arriving in Northrend I have known ssorrow and pride in equal measure.”

“I have begun serving in Coldarra. There I found my still being an whelpling meant I was not… er… taken as seriously as I might have been. In fact the drakess snickered and the elder wrymss ignored me. Even the humanss of the Kirin Tor seemed uncertain what to make of me despite my Retribution of Arathor affiliation.”

“There was however an exception. During a mission for the Kirin Tor I happened to rescue the elder dame Keriastrasza from Malygos’ clutchess. She was grateful and took me under her wing. She soon came up with a grandiose plan to delay the Spell-Weaver’s planss and enlisted my help. During the time we worked together I came to respect her… even to ssee her as an example of what it meant to BE a dragon.”

“The plan to lure out Malygos was successful, but with a horrendouss price. He took Keriastrasza as his consort, warping her mind to his service. I and a band of mercenaries were sent to find her and free her from the Spell-Weaver’s grasp… by any meanss necessary.”

“This we accomplished.”

A muffled sob can be heard, as if the speaker where crying into a pillow, and then Ruby’s voice in a barely audible whisper: “I killed her..killed her… killed her… killed her.”

More sobbing can be heard and then the sound of Ruby forcing it down as she continues bitterly: “And now having killed my new mentor… my kin respect my abilities. They gave me a tabard and accept me gladly in the Life-Binder’s forces. All for showing my abilities in sservice to the Queen… more like for killing one of our own!”

“I know it was necessary… I couldn’t leave her like that… but…”

“I killed her… I killed her… I killed her… I killed her…”

As the sobbing continues a click can be heard and the recording ends.

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