The sound of someone munching on toast can be heard and then between bites the high-pitched voice of Rublestrasza is also heard: “Sso today I hope to run into Anthuss…”
More munching can be heard, sounding as if the person eating is in a rush.
“Gotta hurry… Rhune will be here any minute… and I’d really like to avoid him today. I think he talked to Ravine or Scheen and…”
“Ruby Astherion!” the voice of Rublestrasza’s adopted father/pet human can be heard exclaiming.
Ruby groaned: “Fel’ing luck.”
Rhune continued, “What is this Ravine tells me about you allying with Vissic? VISSIC of all people? One of the most corrupt warlocks on Azeroth?! You KNOW what he is Ruby. How can you do this?”
Ruby breathes in deeply and clears her throat, sounding very much like someone preparing themselves for battle. An epic battle. Very possibly the most epic battle of all time.
Nothing unusual for the Astherion household of course.
“I know exactly what it iss I am doing Rhune. You don’t have to sscold me like a child. I’m nearly a drake now you know.” Ruby said sounding somewhere halfway between an indignant child and the adult she claimed to be. “I have good reasonss for doing what I am doing.”
“Do you? Then perhaps you could explain them in a reasoned manner instead of hiding from me like a child who has broken a window?” Rhune scolded.
"Rhune!” Ruby gasped. Then she continued in a more halting manner, as if he had indeed landed the first blow, “I… I’m doing it for you. And Anthus… and Dawsen… for all of you. Vissic thinkss that he may have found a way to extend your lifespan, it would also heal Dawsen whose time you KNOW is limited Rhune. I’ve checked over his plan mysself and it soundss possible. Very possible.”
“Ruby…” Rhune tries to interrupt.
Ruby pushes on, “No Rhune. You don’t know what it’ss like. Knowing I’m going to outlive all of you. I’ve tried to deal with it. I play matchmaker for everyone, trying to preserve ssomething of you through your children and grandchildren. But thiss iss sso much more than that. I won’t losse you… any of you… ever!”
“It is my duty to preserve life. And there’ss no better place to start than with those whom I love the mosst.” Ruby finished with determination.
“And what is this plan of Vissic’s exactly?” Rhune asked an edge to his voice.
Ruby stubbornly replied, “No Rhune, I cannot tell you. I can’t trust you not to try to stop uss. I wish I could, I truly do. But I cannot. You will jusst have to trusst me.”
“I know how hard trusst iss for you.” Ruby added sounding hurt despite the irony of her statement.
“Oh Ruby…” Rhune sighed in sympathy despite her barb at the end. “This isn’t like when you started seeing Anthus or wanted to learn how to fire juggle… this is VISSIC. He is evil and corrupt and nothing but evil and corruption can come from his works. Good is never born from darkness Ruby. You know that.”
Ruby responded stubbornly and defensively, “But I KNOW what he iss Rhune! I’m watching him carefully and I would never let him push me into doing anything… bad. I have everything under control.”
“You just think you do. He’ll twist things Ruby… and before you know it…” Rhune tried to interject.
“It will be FINE.” Ruby interrupted. “I am going to sstay with Anthus until thiss iss all over. Jusst sstay out of the way and everything will be fine. Dawssen will be healthy and all of uss will never have to be sseperated.”
“Ruby wait!” Rhune shouted.
The sound of a door slamming can be heard and then the chime of Ruby’s magic star ruby being turned off.
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