Friday, February 26, 2010

The Matron of the Dragonsworn


Rublestrasza the Noble,

In light of recent losses the Accord has suffered in the Nexus War and the efforts of mortals in said conflict, the Life-Binder has decided to reinstate the old practice of allowing mortals to swear their allegiance directly to a dragonflight. In ancient times such men and women were known as Dragonsworn.

As you have lived among mortals since hatching the Life-Binder has decided you know mortals in a way even dragons who have watched over them for centuries do not and you already care for them in a way few others of our kind can. More importantly you are trusted even by those who know what you are, something an adult dragon would find much more difficult.

Moreover in the entire history of dragonkind there has been no dragon less effective at hiding their true identity. The Life-Binder hopes you will be more suited to duties that require less discretion.

Do not doubt yourself in this matter Rublestrasza. As you grow into full drakehood you will also grow into your new role as Matron of the Dragonsworn.

Please report to Wyrmrest Temple immediately for complete instructions.

Know that the Life-Binder has the utmost confidence in you daughter. As do I.


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