Friday, February 26, 2010

The Dragonsworn Council



Time for a big announcement… dun! dun! dun! Those that have seen Ruby running around with a Dragonsworn Council guild tag may have been wondering exactly what that meant. Vanity guild? Obscure guild no one has heard of? Or is she starting a guild of her own?

The answer is that Ruby is indeed starting her own guild. The Dragonsworn Council will be a heavy role-play guild on the Sentinels server with the objective of creating a warm, family-like atmosphere both ICly and OOCly.

So why a new guild? A new year is a time for new beginnings. I have learned so much during my last three years on Sentinels, developed many ideas and theories on how to generate RP and stories in an MMO and I feel I would really like to put some of those ideas and theories into practice. Having considered the matter from every angle I could think of I decided that could only be done as GM of my own guild. Luckily I am not entirely inexperienced in such matters as I served as the RP officer of the Retribution of Arathor for the majority of 2008.

So what are my objectives for the Dragonsworn Council?

-Create a warm, family-like atmosphere both ICly and OOCly. We’re not a military organization as that didn’t seem particularly draconic to me. Instead the guild will feel more like a family or clan.

-Put a heavy emphasis on STORY and thus create a PURPOSE for RP.

-Generate and publicize RP on the Sentinels server in addition to providing RP for our own guild members.

-Create a heavy RP guild in the true meaning of the word. The officer’s duties will center around creating RP and events, not raiding or any other such distractions.

-Stories require conflict. The guild is structured in such a way as to provide conflict within the guild when no such conflict can be found outside of it (and computer controlled mobs do not count, sorry Arthas), while at the same time keeping the guild united in theme and purpose.

-Ally with other RP guilds in an effort to strengthen the Sentinels community.

In addition the Dragonsworn Council will serve as a player faction in addition to being a guild. This means that characters already in another guild can still join the DSC much like you would join one of the factions already in the game (for example the Scryers or the Kirin Tor). IC and OOC channels will be custom channels and so even as an unguilded DSC character you will have full access to the community within the game.

If you are a mature and able RP’er we want you to feel like you can be part of our community… PERIOD.

More information can be found on our recruitment post or our guild page:

Dragonsworn Council.

The Matron of the Dragonsworn


Rublestrasza the Noble,

In light of recent losses the Accord has suffered in the Nexus War and the efforts of mortals in said conflict, the Life-Binder has decided to reinstate the old practice of allowing mortals to swear their allegiance directly to a dragonflight. In ancient times such men and women were known as Dragonsworn.

As you have lived among mortals since hatching the Life-Binder has decided you know mortals in a way even dragons who have watched over them for centuries do not and you already care for them in a way few others of our kind can. More importantly you are trusted even by those who know what you are, something an adult dragon would find much more difficult.

Moreover in the entire history of dragonkind there has been no dragon less effective at hiding their true identity. The Life-Binder hopes you will be more suited to duties that require less discretion.

Do not doubt yourself in this matter Rublestrasza. As you grow into full drakehood you will also grow into your new role as Matron of the Dragonsworn.

Please report to Wyrmrest Temple immediately for complete instructions.

Know that the Life-Binder has the utmost confidence in you daughter. As do I.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Starcraft 2 Beta


Just wanted to take a quick moment from our usual WoW based content to give a shout out to They have been providing live streams of Starcraft 2 games and a glimpse of the SC2 beta whether we have beta keys or not. I’ve been enjoying watching them quite a bit lately especially Lumi’s stream who is often entertaining and humorous in his own right.

If you have any interest in Starcraft 2 I highly recommend their site!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Love is in the air…

…and two hearts dance as one! Despite the recent tragedy in the Astherion family with the death of Sylerrinn Astherion as well as Vissic’s imminent reach for immortality with the help of Rublestrasza; love cannot be denied as Anthus and Ruby found time to enjoy the holiday and share their love.









Monday, February 15, 2010

A Dragon’s Heart Pt. 7


February 12, 29th year after the Dark Portal

Sylerrinn… my life and love… you are gone and not coming back. It is time I accept that. You are dead. No hoax. No resurrection. Nothing. Just a void in our lives that will never be filled.

We had our problems the last year and more. But wherever it is you have gone I hope you understand my love for you never stopped.

My heart has died with you Rin.

Dawsen and Ruby are all grown up and no longer need me. Only our daughters keep me from slowly fading and returning to your side. You will continue to live through them my love.

I live for Lamorra and Lakorra.


…to find out who stole every happy year you had ahead of you and make them suffer beyond human comprehension.

My promise to you my heart.

-Your Roo



A Dragon’s Heart Pt. 6


The voice diary of the whelpling Rublestrasza sometimes known as Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional).

Sobbing and sniffling can be made out before the sound of a throat clearing and the voice of a heartbroken Ruby can be heard: “Rhune’s mate Sylerrinn iss dead.”

“Ssomeone took her away… stole everything sshe had or would ever be… like it wass nothing.”

A howling can be heard, a young, high-pitched funeral dirge that can only have come from the throat of a dragon.

“My poor human… oh Rhune what will become of you now?”

“We don’t know who… the Retribution of Arathor is sstill investigating… but we know it was foul play… we know it wass not Rin’s time.”

“Rhune issn’t well. I’ve been watching their twin daughterss… the only time Rhune seemss alive is when I bring Lamorra and Lakorra to him. Otherwisse he just sitss there. Alone. In the dark if I don’t light a lantern for him. He seemss to alternate between thinking sshe will somehow come back and scouring Northrend for her killer.”

“What worries me iss he hasn’t done the later. It’ss what one would expect from him in particular. But he hass no passion anymore. Even the fires of vengeance seem to have burnt out.”

“I… I don’t think he’d sstill be alive if I didn’t constantly bring the twins to him. I don’t know how to ssnap him out of it. He’ss losing weight. He’ss so pale.”

“I’m afraid for him.”

“For myself… I know I can’t go through thiss again. It iss more imperative than ever that my alliance with Vissic is successful. I have to ssave all of the others. Lryrll says I should ask anyone I intend to make immortal firsst… but… death iss… I HATE IT! I WON’T LET THEM GO!”


“Sylerrinn’s killer has taught me everything I need to know about death. I hope to return the favor.”

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Dragon’s Heart Pt. 5



The voice diary of the whelpling Rublestrasza sometimes known as Ruby Astherion (hissing intentional).

A moan of pain can be heard followed by a grunt of annoyance. The high pitched but strangely subdued voice of Ruby Astherion can be heard recorded on her magical star ruby: Scheen can… uh… really fight.”

Sounding embarrassed she continued: “And I don’t mean jusst with her ussual snowballss. But let’ss start at the beginning.”

“Vissic found me in the Wayward Sson tavern and accused me of luring him into an ambussh! He ssaid a letter with my handwriting had told him to meet me in the Storm Peakss where he found Ravine, Rhune, Scheen, and some death knight named Ariadne waiting for him.”

“I assured Vissic I wrote no ssuch letter. And it’ss true!”

Ruby’s growling can be heard and then: “Scheen… I knew it could only have been Scheen. That’ss the real reason she wanted my novel manuscript.”

“Sso of coursse I confronted her about it later. She admitted her duplicity and claimed sshe was doing it to save me from Vissic. Hah! I may be a whelpling but a hatchling I am not! I’m nearing my drakehood after all and I told her in no uncertain termss that I had everything under control.”

“She gave me that annoying smirk of herss and assked me if I really thought I wass such hot stuff that I could deal with Vissic. Sshe sseemed amused when I said I could and would handle him.”

“Then sshe began goading me to attack her and prove it.”

“Normally thiss would not have worked on me… but I wass hurt that sshe didn’t care about my manuscript and… well… Scheen iss Scheen… you can’t help but want to smack her even when sshe’s NOT trying to be annoying.”

“Sshe watned a fight and I was determined she knew better than to trifle with a dragon.”

“I sswooped down on her in whelpling form, sscreeching my battle cry, talons outstretched! It’ss all a blur after that except I remember broken images: her shooting me with a rifle and me melting the incoming bullet with dragon fire… my landing on her shoulder digging my talons in… her throwing me off and trying to knock me from the air with a blunted harpoon… me back in gnome form leaping at her kneecaps… and finally me on my back seemingly helpless…”

“Until she kneeled and tried to help me up…”

“I lunged… trying to tear her throat out with my teeth! Sshe moved at the last moment and I missed the artery… but I sstill had the ssatisfaction of tasting her blood and hearing her scream in shock and fear…”

“Till she punched me in the face and thingss get blurry again.”

“I know what you’re thinking… maybe I went too far. But in my defense I AM a dragon… and in battle we can be a little… uh… feral. That’ss why you DON’T TRIFLE WITH A DRAGON. Besides she tried to use a HARPOON on me! Harpoons make me nervous.”

“Random fact: Scheen doesn’t tasste like chicken. More like Talbuk but with a slight aftertasste. I think if sshe weren’t sentient I might give her another try.”

“Mmm… Talbuk.”

“I lay there dazed and sstunned while Scheen was busy trying to staunch the blood from her neck. We were both exhausted and I think we both had a new respect for the abilities and will of the other. That’ss when sshe mentioned she had actually edited my book and very much enjoyed it.”

“You think sshe’d have jusst said that earlier and ssaved uss all a lot of trouble. Or maybe sshe did and I didn’t hear. As I ssaid… we can be somewhat feral.”

“I forgave her… sshe was only doing it to protect me and she DID like my book. So I forgave… but I will not forget.”


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