The voice diary of the whelpling Rublestrasza(hissing intentional).
“Tonight wass the night… Vissic and I entered into the Caverns of Time to travel to Mount Hyjal and take a piece of the World Tree in an effort to discover the secret to immortality. All in an effort to make ssure Anthus, Rhune, Dawsen and all the otherss I care about will not be taken from me… ever!”
“Coursse things didn’t go as planned.”
“If by “didn’t go as planned” you mean a complete disaster on a magnitude you can’t really comprehend and makess you rethink everything you thought you knew.”
“I arrived to find Vissic confronting my beloved Anthus and another Retribution of Arathor member named Roiya! How they discovered our planss I still don’t know but they boldly declared they had been ordered to investigate the death of Sylerrinn Astherion and had evidence it had been Vissic all along!”
“Vissic denied the charge and I called my hireling Amarestine to our sside in the hope of making Anthus and Roiya think twice about an attack. I love Anthus dearly but I thought for ssure he wass wrong about Vissic. Why would he threaten our alliance before we were finished? To hurt Rhune who ssaved his life? It made no ssense.”
“Little did I know how much Rhune’s ambush in the Storm Peaks had enraged Vissic, for Anthus wass right and when confronted with evidence Vissic laughed and admitted his guilt, seeming to find joy in the revelation.”
“I’m not ssure what happened during the next few momentss… I ssat there in shock as I realized that her death was my fault… that I had set all these events in motion with my actionss despite being warned by… everyone… of Vissic’s nature.”
“There were ssome demands for Vissic’s surrender I think… I can’t recall… and then suddenly I was in whelpling form and diving at Vissic, talons outstretched, my only intention to rip out his throat as a red, feral rage overtook me.”
“That’s when Amarestine leaped into action… on the sside of Vissic! That treacherous she-wolf! She jumped up and grappled me from the air. That’s the lasst time I hire a mercenary.”
“As I vainly sstruggled in her arms to free myself Anthus blinked forward and began his attack on Vissic, not with a spell, but with his fists. This seemed to take the warlock by surprise and the seemingly mighty Vissic found himself forced on the defensive as he fought for hiss very life againsst my beloved. Roiya ssupported Anthus with her healing magics and this combination seemed to be the perfect counter to Vissic’s fel magics.”
“Meanwhile I had broken free of Amarestine’s grip and pursued her, letting out great gusts of dragon fire and shrieking my rage.”
“Amarestine managed to dodge and evade my attacks but found herself unable to launch an attack of her own against my small and darting form. But if there iss anything she has shown it is patience. Waiting for just the perfect moment she threw some powder in my face causing me to sneeze. I roared in rage at the seemingly insignificant attack. Pressing forward I ssuddenly found mysself growing drowsy... and then I blacked out.”
“Damn tricky roguess!"
“When I awoke I found myself too drained to do anything. Vissic and Anthus were still locked into a deadly duel and both seemed to be fading fast such was the ferocity of their battle.”
“To my astonishment I found Rhune had arrived! I can only assume Roiya called him on the Retribution guildstone. Finding out Vissic had been responsible for Sylerrinn’s death he seemed taken by a cold fury. He engaged Amarestine, using his mana elemental to flank her and help pin her in place while he launched barrage after barrage of arcane missiles at her. Being the mercenary that she is Amarestine soon fled the scene leaving Vissic to stand alone.”
“At thiss point Vissic and Anthus were both gravely wounded and even Roiya could not keep Anthus standing. Rhune was now free to attack the warlock directly and not feeling inclined to mercy as he was toward Vissic in the Storm Peaks the warlock knew his lies were useless and fled the scene of battle as fast as he could. AGAIN.”
“That iss the lasst time Vissic. We’re united now. We’re coming for you. You’re time iss OVER! You will not escape uss again."
“With Vissic and Amarestine having fled there wass nothing for uss to do except pick up the pieces. My planss to grant thosse I loved immortality lay in ruinss and worse my beloved… his wounds from his duel with Vissic…”
“They were mortal.”
“His body burned by fel fire and his lifeblood draining onto the sands of the Caverns of Time… he lay dying as I wept. All my fault. Rhune’s mate… my mate… all dead because of me.”
“They all told me and I wouldn’t listen. I was too stubborn.”
“Why couldn’t I listen?!”
“Just becausse they are mortal? That can’t be… can it? I love them all sso much. That can’t be the… but it doesn’t matter. Only the resultss of my actions matter.”
“Then suddenly Anthus’ wounded body was encased in ice and and vanished! Gone jusst like that!”
“Sitting in his place was a scroll telling us of a failsafe he had enacted that would activate should the battle against Vissic go poorly. My Anthus… always prepared and sso much more cautious than I.”
“The scroll ssaid we would find his body at Wyrmrest Temple and that is indeed where we found him when we arrived at the Temple later that night. I was frantic of coursse… and even the Life-Binder’s presence could not calm me.”
“There had alwayss been concern among my kin that I had given my heart to Anthus. Partly because I was sso young, and partly because he was mortal. That terrible evening however something wonderful happened. For his previous service to the Wyrmrest Accord and for his valiant protection of… well… me… because I was too naive to protect myself… the Life-Binder gave proof of her approval of the match by allowing the Titan-gifted life energies of the Red Dragonflight to be used to heal his wounds… powers beyond what any mere mortal priest could ever hope to employ.”
“Anthus was restored to uss. My beloved would live.”
“My heart sings with relief and gratitude toward my mother. But Rhune’s mate Sylerrinn is sstill dead. And it’ss still my fault. Going forward I can only hope the costly lessons learned will help me lead the new Dragonsworn Council wisely. By doing so can I give Sylerrinn’s death meaning. Only in thiss way can I honor her memory.”