Monday, January 4, 2010

Memories of Winter’s Veil

Ruby had a wonderful first Winter’s Veil as a gnome, getting to participate in all the things she only got to watch with draconic curiosity in her first two Winter’s Veils. In addition to all the fun and games she also gained the Merrymaker title raising her cooking from 21 to 325 in the process.

This wasn’t a problem for her however as she can now cook talbuk steak in addition to many holiday goodies. :)


WoWScrnShot_121809_192449Arriving at the Servants of Lothar Winter’s Veil party.


WoWScrnShot_121809_194326Lining up for the reindeer race.



The race is on!



Listening to Winter’s Veil carols.


WoWScrnShot_121809_210231 Snowball fight!


WoWScrnShot_121909_214132Anthus and Ruby under the mistletoe! Did smooches follow?


WoWScrnShot_121909_215637 Presents! Greatfather Winter has come!


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